Cafe Plaisir: Canid's Adventure EX2 - True Nature

#14 of café plaisir: canid's adventure here we are folks; the next, and currently, the last entry in the canid's adventure series.

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Cafe Plaisir RP - Angel and Ravage

canidae ookami: \*i pant still, my legs wrapping around your waist as i bounce upon your cock.

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Tavern Brawl

My hands gave the canid's thighs a squeeze before i started to pull back, letting my cock slip from the gripping confines of the canid's twitching tailhole.

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Genesis Part Three, Rebuilding and Space

canids were now in such numbers across the globe their normal breeding was more than sufficient. canids like man could breed, originally designed to have litters the numbers quickly destroyed the need to keep cloning them.

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Genesis Part Five, Conquest Of Furegon Part:1

It only too a few days to prepare the sites, the canids and skupples worked tirelessly as they were designed to do. humans constructed skupples and canids to be a servant race, in time they became their companion race.

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Hunter's Moon: Ties that Bind

"canid, this is horus" anubis indicated the approaching falcon. "he's going to mount you from the rear. you can't take me as it is" canid stopped his ministrations to ponder the information.

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Encounter in the Stacks

Eventually the rabbit gave into his desire and went over to the coyote, looking down at him, the canid looking back up at him and grinning.

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Invasion of the 4th Dimension (Part 2)

She already had influenced the canids enough by now. "thank you ... but now i better ..." too late!

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Hunter's Moon (revised version)

"come on canid, let's see those lovely eyes of yours" slowly coaxing canid to open his shut eyelids. when canid did open his eyes, they were a deep golden yellow hue. this development caused the lone female member of the research team to inhale sharply.

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Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 14

Kuna asked as he sat back down next to the canid with the gourd in hand, sloshing its fluids around inside. "no thanks, enjoy yourself," the canid said, wrapping his arm around the sereva. kuna lifted the fruit up and sipped at it. "mm.

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The Union II: Tension

Apart from these two, the remaining occupants of the room were made up of canids of various species, but all of them unmistakably canid.

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