The Book of Warlock 15. Aggravated Assault.

As nisgarant had watched his general clamber awkwardly aboard his battle pony and head off at a canter to the front lines, he held his precious weapon extra tight. he hadn't forgotten about the dragon that followed him.

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Whether the Wether is Hot

The way the cute boy cantered along, even without a hobbler, seemed so much more reminiscent of a cute little caprine, swaying his hefty hips and meaty lamb's legs as he sauntered about the paddock.

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Chapter I - A Unicorn's Salvation

Fortivirago shrugged her foreshoulders before cantering toward the trough.

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The Royal Apples - Part XI

Called applejack as she peeked out the kitchen window and saw the herd of paparazzi cantering through the front gate and heading for the farmhouse. "ah swear, the harder ya try ta keep them out, the more o' them there are.

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Thunder #16

I could hear the gasp from the spectators then their sigh of relief when i pulled up and let gina regain her seat, reins and composure, then picked back up a fast canter.

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Equine Connection - Chapter One -

Either something about her voice, or maybe her scent, seemed to work on the filly, who pricked her own ears forwards and broke into a canter. for three quarters of an hour, savannah worked with the filly, slowly building a bond between the two equines.

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How To Invoke

The spell falls off your tongue faster, cantering into a melody you've always known. through the screen of your own voice, you think that magic isn't silent or stoic at all. warriors fought with all their strength.

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Spitting Bellyrider

It then trampled the dead cub with its back legs, and cantered docilely backstage. the emcee stepped back into the arena and once again addressed the crowd, "alright, wasn't that wonderful folks?"

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Silver and Bronze: The First Fire

A horn sounded, groaning loud enough to shatter the windows almost and they cantered after. the mother sprinted as clattering death rained down upon them both, the sharp blades whirling upon the spokes, scraping at the walls like a cat's claws.

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Pony Training

The transition into learning how to walk, trot, canter, and gallop while being harnessed to pull carts and wagons was rough, however.

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Black and White

His trot broke into a canter and then a full out gallop, keeping pace with ivory as they traveled the length of the fence.

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