Snow Bunny - Ch. 17

He starts to sit down, then pauses and looks at carson. "unless you'd like to check me for wires?" carson glances at me and i give my head a tiny shake. "no, that's okay," carson says, motioning for him to sit down as we retake our own seats.

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Hot Shift

A fairly experienced spelunker, carson was all about new challenges and new experiences.

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Mandatory 18th Checkup

If it were up me i'd say 'fine,'" said dr carson in a reassuring voice. "but it's out of our paws. don't worry: it won't hurt and it'll only take a minute."

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Snow Bunny - Ch. 8

Half now--" he pushes one of the stacks toward carson. "and half when we're finished." he puts the other stack back in the bag. i can tell that carson is wary of a trick, but he doesn't say anything.

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With an audiable pop, it squelched into carson's tailhole. the wolf whined, and albert growled, reaching down and biting carson's ruff.

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Grad-Bash Part 2

I think i paced around the cabin for a good hour before coming out here to find carson. we were walking at an incline and my stomach was growing louder with each passing minute. "we can stop if you want," carson said.

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Grad-Ba -oh, wait, it's not, it's Part for Scouot's Honor!! =D

_ so he knows about carson. which was good. i could ask him about it instead of making carson fess up. now, the problem was actually getting alex to _talk_ to me. _why not just ask carson yourself?_ i don't want to make him tell me.

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Brad's Interesting Afternoon

After letting down the stairs, brad watched as carson made his way up.

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Part 26

I just shouldn't have, especially with carson and all-" my fur prickled. "what about carson?" "you didn't hear?"

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CH1 Smoke from the Ashes

carson. it was odd being around a child, especially one as inquisitive and caring as carson.

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dinosaur island part 2

He let go of carson, and then stepped back, waiting with his deagle in his hand until carson lowered his weapon. "enjoy your promotion. sir." carson spat, walking towards the door.

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