He looked at the clothes of his former nephew on his desk chair, fresh with cumstains shot from his cock. a deep fright came over him when he realised how incriminating it made him look.
Adult, Adult_dom, Adultdom, Barefoot, Barepaw, Canine, Canines, Claws, Cock, Cub, Cub_snuff, Cubs, Cubsnuff, Cubsub, Cum, Cum Flood, Cum_floods, Cumflood, Cumfloods, Death, Death by cock, Death by penis, Death_by_dick, Deathbycock, Deathbydick, Deathbypenis, Destruction, Dick, Doberman, Dobermann, Document, Dom_adult, Domadult, Dudes, Enlarging, Extreme, Extreme Size Difference, Extreme_cub, Extreme_shrinking, Extremesizedifference, Feet, Feet fetish, Feetbarefoot, Feetfetish, Feetfoot, Feetpaw, Feetpaws, Feettoes, Foot, Footpaw, Giga macro, Gigamacro, Gigantic, Grew, Growth, Incest, Incestuous, Macro, Macrophilia, Male, Males, Man, Mega macro, Megamacro, Men, Micro, Microphilia, Microscopic, Nephew, Paw, Pawbarepawed, Paws, Pedophilia, Penis, Pup, Sex, Sexual, Sexual_destruction, Shrink, Shrinking, Shrunk, Size, Size Difference, Size_layer, Size_layers, Size_snuff, Sizedifference, Sizelayer, Sizelayers, Small, Snuff, Story, Sub, Subbing, Subcub, Submissive, Submissive_cub, Teeny, Teleiophilia, Terra, Terra_macro, Terramacro, To, Too big to fit, TooBig, Toobigtofit, Toosmall, Trauma, Traumatising, Uncle, Zenobius, barepawed, big, claw, cruel, crush, crushed, crushing, difference, dude, enlarge, enlarged, enormous, fit, footpaws, giga, grow, growing, guy, guys, huge, manly, mega, nano, orphanage, pedo, shrunken, squish, squished, squishing, stomp, stomped, stomping, tiny, toe, toes, too, too big, too small, written, wrong