Chapter I: Light, Darkness, and Lamp Posts

The couples were in a elimination dance; the experts, augusta marla parker, chas darrin vincent, ian glass, cheryl roxanne horn, and fran norris were dancing with celebs, jefferson bridges, kristie tina morrow, susie inez may, orval woods, and renato christoper

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05 - The Song of the Badger

"let's close him up, darrin," he said, looking to the once werewolf, now man, across the table. "yes sir," darrin said. "give me a 4-0 vicryl on a ps-2." a surgical assistant placed the suture and needle into his hands.

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Dungeons, Dragons... And Fur 2

"by darrin's hammer! if it isn't leon!" dygrid bellowd from behind the counter.

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Under the Sundowner Part 05

We lost contact with darrin fireshadow nearly a week ago. the last signal we received put him in orbit over a planet that has suffered from a planetary war that reduced them to living in pre-industrial conditions.

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The Breeding Pens: Fertile Females

<3 story © amethyst mare / arian mabe characters © respective owners **ych** ** ** **the breeding pens** **fertile females in need** ** ** _written by arian mabe (amethyst mare)_ _a ych round commissioned by darrin, jubei & sorambit_ _ 

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Revenge is really sweet.

darrin moaned into her pussy as his cock was deepthroated, he felt his entire length inside her mouth.

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The Secret - Part 17

But we do also know michelle, and darrin mcintyre also goes to wind valley, so we'd have some friends right off over there if we changed schools." "well, let's talk to karl about the idea some time soon," melanie said.

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Fuzzy Navel - Chapter 4

I'm not darrin and you're not samantha. you don't owe me anything. if anything, i owe rayla for letting me adopt you. you are a dream come true. now i want you to write down that recipe so i can use it some time.

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Dancing with Wolves

"there was this one guy, name was darrin. he managed the books. i only met him twice, and i didn't think much of him, until i saw how all the pet wolves reacted to him. they thought he had steak juice all over his hands, just about!

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The Blacksmith Prince - Chapter 1 (first draft)

He could suffer the brushing darrin put him through -- he couldn't reach the fur on his back -- but he didn't need the help bathing himself. "you can leave the room, please. i just want some time alone.

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My Inspiration

"your aunt janice called, and they had to put darrin in the hospital for appendicitis. i have to go watch your little cousin jennifer." "but ... you promised you take me to the mall ... i've been looking forward to it all week."

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Fairview Chapter 1: Cloudy Skies

"oh leave him alone darrin." he said as he licked his fingers. he had just finished his pretzel and was getting up to throw his tray away. "we were the same way when we were their age."

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