A Night with Donner

The contact was electric, like some circuit within the shiba inu had been sparking but incomplete for his entire life up to that point, only to suddenly be completed by the pressing of that very particular set of lips to his own.

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A new place to live - Prologue: A new country, new people.

Most important however, was a picture of a white wolf and a shiba-inu in their younger days, each with one arm on the other's shoulders. both had a big smile.

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Kitty Rehab Chapter 1

"inu!" arean replied. "i'm going to have an inu as a sister?" the corrections officer frowned. "her name is arean, she's a jalaxian who was caught trying to smuggle large sums of drugs into earth federation space!

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Life with a Furry - Souls Connection

This story is based on my real experience of how i met my boyfriend, but it would be boring if there were only two humans, so i made him a shiba inu, because i love dogs, and shiba inu is my favourite breed \<3 hope you'll enjoy the read, and please let me

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The Lady Shiba

Old tensions flared inside the white shiba inu. "you never liked the fact that i work at a brothel." she bit back a growl, trying to deflect the issue. a sudden clatter nearly made the shiba inu jump.

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Turning his car off and parking it, the shiba inu looked down at his dash for a moment to try and make sense of what was happening.

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Corporate Food Chain - Ch 1

As soon as he was close enough, eric through his whole body weight at the shiba inu, knocking them both to the pavement. "what the fuck?" johnson cried. eric didn't answer.

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A Couple of Mooks

Jam quickly spotted a slumbering pumbaa, which he knew housed the shiba inu's mind! jam stood in front of the warthog, who looked like a mountain to the tiny meerkat.

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Weed: The Loss Of Ohu Mountians Part3

Back with weed the smaller pup was getting pounced on by the larger gb who was lightheartedly jostling with the akita inu.

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Live Audience: Part 4

Nick grabbed his phone and quickly took a few shots of the shiba inu presenting herself with her essence running down her thighs.

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The shiba inu's arms were folded behind their back, and their cock was, of course, completely erect, as it always was around pirate.

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