Going home for Christmas

A second later the bear drove the snowmobile forward parking it inside next to his car. with the vehicle stored the bear made straight for the house.

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Kindred Spirits, White Fangs in White Snow

But, as the man turned the snowmobile's engine over, fang finally tapped his added edge.

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Lykos - Lone Wolf pt. 17

The snowmobile!" he erupted in a fit of coughing before he settled down. "fuck... the snowmobile... how is it?" "i don't know," jack said, looking over at the overturned vehicle. "it looks pretty banged up." marcus groaned. "shit!

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The White World (Guild anthology preview)

She hopped on the waiting snowmobile and drove quickly back to base, with the hallucination following her the whole way. to be continued in tales from the guild - world tour...

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18 - Night Skiing, Day Skiing

I grabbed dover's sled and helped stu crawl on to it, then stood downhill of it so it rested against the back of my legs as i waved for the rescue snowmobile, which i could see coming into view.

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1- A Husky Tells No Tales

Looking in the cargo bay of the helicopter, he came across a small, green snowmobile with the yellow-on-red r symbol of the road rovers painted on the side.

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Fun with Bolt and Penny: Tongue in Chick

An instant later, his paws made contact with the front of the snowmobile, denting in the hood, as he jammed the missile back into the vehicle's left side.

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A Cold Snap and a Hot Snap (M/M story) (fixed)

Kogie cursed and gently pushed my head away, "that snowmobile's coming back."

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The Silver Lining-Part 4

The ferret simply nodded a few times, before looking at the snowmobile. "a-am i going to ride it..." he meekly asked. enzo smiled as he replied yes, and picked the boy up.

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Chapter 11: Sky-Drop

The group of us parked our snowmobiles then got off to stretch our legs after a long ride that had left my butt numb and sore.

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