Kauto and MW Part 8C

Kauto set himself into a comfortable position and put his meaty hands under the tractor to get a firm grip. his fingers dug into the metal as he began lifting the 45 tonne tractor above his head.

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 5

Blueberry hopped out of the hedge after the tractor had passed and sat down in the road, watching a dog held by a man by a leash was barking right back at him. then blueberry saw the tractor stop.

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Freedom in a Cage - Chapter 8

"you knew that you couldn't get away from the tractor beam, but you came and took hold of me anyway. that sounds pretty suspicious to me." zereck replied.

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Namath Walker == Part One, Chapter One

Pneumonia was not the brisby's solo problem, however; moving day was coming, and with it, the tractor, and the need to move their cinder block before the tractor would pass over them, sooner than later, he presumed.

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Layers: Predator and Prey

Brian shouted from where he was stuffed under the hood of the tractor. "if you'd just followed my advice and gotten a new tractor like i suggested, we wouldn't be in this mess!" "a tractor is fuckin' expensive.

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Twinks Across America: Ch. 13 - Montana

He laughed as he got off the tractor. "right this way." elijah turned to walk around the tractor, and i followed like a man in a horny trance.

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You Can't Hide It Forever - Part 4

It was now or never._ _he cranked the wheel to the right, cutting off the tractor trailer. in response, the tractor's brakes squealed and honked. but the engine was so loud jack could only hear his own engine roaring.

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Learning to Run, Chapter 3, Human Training

Walker put the tractor in gear, pulled out of the shed, and proceeded to mow the fields.

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A Walk In My Shoes

The engine was close now...close enough to see the stack of smoke and for the helpless husky to recognize it to be a tractor. he continued to struggle, but it all meant nothing as the tractor pulled into view.

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A Day Off Part 2

I hollered after him, to which chet nodded again as he put the tractor in what looked to be second gear and headed off for the sawmill building.

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Bolt's Third Lesson...

"it's called a tractor" said mittins, "a what?" asked bolt.

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