Witching hour
It was 3:00 A.M. when the lithe bunny woke up, aware of the burning sensation in her need for relief. She slumped up and out of bed as a wave of nausea swept over her, causing her to stumble over her own coffee table causing the china teacup to fall...
The Witch and the Pantry
"and it looks like it did its job perfectly~" the witch squatted and poked a finger to siffera's belly, pushing it in until the viper winced. "hardly any give at all."
The Wishing Witch
If he does not say "i will take you to make a wish with the witch", politely repeat "i desire to make a wish with the witch." do not attempt to reason or argue with him. you do not want to offend him.
An Exchange with a Witch
The end summary: exia ends up looking for a witch, unknowing that the witch will find her first.
Witch [Poem]
We are the ones you failed to burn, we are witches, and it's our turn.
Witch Switch
I plopped a cat's whisker into the brew and couldn't help but cackle at my plot A single drop into her drink would do A rival would become my new mascot She'd look surprised and recognize the taste She'd know it then and yet she'd know too...
The Witch's Spell
For that was what many witches had forsaken in their learning, the use of another's willing energy to lift themselves into a higher plane.
The Princess and the Witch
Said the witch.
A Witch in the Autumn
The red witch let her magic squeezed the trigger of autumn's weapon and fired.
The Witch's Plans
The witch's eyes glittered. "let us make this forest a place fit for a queen.
Witching Woods
With the last sparkles of the sun hiding behind the distant mountains, a Zoroark made his way through the bushes. The sounds of the night already creeping in, giving the twilight a phantasmagorical feeling way before the most recognizable stars...
Foxy Witch
As far as she knew, she was still a fat old witch, one that used to be a fox, but she enjoyed her new witch form much more.