Man\'s Best Friend - Chapter Four

"sucha bad dog, barri," he scolded me, shuffling his feet, and carefully avoiding the puddle i'd left on the floor. "as big as you are, and still not properly housebroken." it was a blatant misconception.

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Cyanide of Riddance chapter 19.

"that's what the bad dog wants." then as he went down below, he ripped off his pants and found his anatomy. "one hand?" he said. "kid, you got to come back when you can at least kick in a big claw." they continued until an orange wolf appeared.

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The Chronicles of Axel: Puppy Years (Into Story)

Going to pup school i was always obedient because mom taught me that i had to be a good puppy or else id grow up to be a bad dog, and end up in the dog pound. i didn't have many friends, but i did have some really good friends.

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Furry Fuck Flick

"b-bad dog," i moan, my hips humping up to meet him and my hands not doing anything to push him off. every bit of me is melting, cumming on his madly thrusting cock.

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Robin's Good Dog - Kinktober 2021, Day 15

"very bad dog... making your owner think all sorts of dirty thoughts. if you'd just been a good, sweet, innocent pup, i'd have cared for you so sweetly and tenderly all weekend long. but, now? mnh...

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The Warlock: Re-Written

bad dog!" her legs tense and move the chair backwards. her pointing finger taps me on the nose. i squint. "that's a bad dog." if only she knew.

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White Room Stage 3 / Part 1

"bad dog." the woman yelled and smacked zak's nose with whatever she had hit him with before. "listen if i'm a dog that makes you a bitch; now tell me what the hell is going on!" zak roared as he pulled at his restraints.

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Finding His Form

"you were a very bad dog last night, but now you're being such a good boy." a look of pure adoration passed over connor's face. his mouth dropped, his tongue came out and he even started to pant. "what the fuck is happening?"

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The Punishment of Sissy-phus

"bad dog. don't talk back to your mother." he whined and gripped the sheets hard, panting and groaning. it was tough for him to sit still, though.

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Hero new live

bad dog!! wolfdof looking at jenna his ears went back he was confused but that also made him exited in some ways. he only mutterd " j.. jenna i... "your were a bad dog!.... and bad dogs need to be punished..

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The Kandlin Series - Chapter 3 - Cats and Tigers

"kitty stops bad dog." gatomon smiled as she looked at hak foo. her eyes began to glow. "bad dog goes away." "uhhh..." hak foo stood memorized by the gaze. "i am a bad dog..." hak foo suddenly went on all fours. "what?"

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