Run, Rabbit, Run

Shit, he really wished he'd paid more attention in home ec class. with a sigh he turned around, reasoning that having the sun at his back was better than in his face...and he saw it.

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A New Brother - Part 20

A girl from my home ec. class. she's uh. . . she's funny and sweet. i quite like her." rei nodded. "so that's it huh? i was expecting something a bit more dramatic." "what like me being in love with you?" mark just chuckled and shook his head.

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A Few Minutes of Darkness

It'd be like home ec." "i hated home ec, too," the stoat muttered. "miss manning's voice always curdled everything." "then we'll try again." melissa's tail wagged faster. "tuesday afternoon.

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For all it's Worth 2: Chains

"jason, the doberman form home-ec, he hated you like..." "oh, come off it bruce, one name down. your little friend pete gave me seven, including yours. i do remember jason. before and during the rape, my first knot. who else?" "i...

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Ember Tails, ch2 (pt.2)

As they walked out of the school, with other students still around them, kira just started talking about her home ec. class, making zane smile at just having another piece of normalcy return.

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Dragon in the Dishwater, Ch 6

"i think they teach that kind of thing in home ec." the young man offered dryly, "most guys in this day and age don't learn about braiding, or sewing, or ribbons and bows and stuff."

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The Student Teachers

home ec ordered her as a live torso, and we aim to please he- oh, woah woah woah, over there!" mr.

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Journey to another world ch50

It was like the home-ec class back in high school. (or in other words, a giant kitchen) "if you'd like i could show you how to make some poffins while those people." i instantly jumped to my feet and grabbed both her hands.

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Intertwined - Chapter 5

This kid i know from my home ec. class is throwing a party tonight. do you want to go with me?" his eyes widened with embarrassment. "well not with me, with me. it's not like a date or anything. just as a friend.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 77 - Flight Of The Spelling Bee (Part 1)

Oh hey," he called as she opened the door; "could you tell mom that everyone in home-ec loved the _khalva_?" at the mentioning of her favorite dessert, a smile finally crept on her face. "okay," she agreed.

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Problem Students

Her hips swaying, she followed the principal to the office reserved for these kinds of disciplines, a spacious room which had been repurposed from a home ec class wachs had decided they didn't need.

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Harder Education: Mitch

Rheotovsky in home ec; she's so big she can't wrap her arms around them and they get stuck in doorways) but they fit her just fine.

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