Giving a Hellhound a massage

Why was she letting a human dominate her? she's just as strong as her mate, so she should do just as much of the work.

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Unusual Therapy

He admitted to going through his own rough spot adapting to living in the human-dominated city. "it's actually been a while since i've been on a date myself." "well, congratulations to both of us then, for breaking our dry spells!"

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Blood, Sweat, and Diesel: Chapter 15 (Revised)

In the ideal "plan a," darren and jas' group would abduct the human, bring him to the altama, and - in some way or other - use his presence there to spark a conflict between the balfor confederacy and the human-dominated karlov republic, using the

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4.1 Don helps

He promised that all morphs would be eliminated by the next year and the world would return to human dominance. she couldn't believe her ears and felt sick to her stomach.

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Secondhand Lions, Strange Surprises

Rather than it being some traumatic, mind-shattering, psycho-suppressive exercise in human domination of another species. "well..." jerry studied me as we motored along slowly, he then shrugged. "if you say so, jim.

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Planitary CH1: School-grounds, both unbelievably boring parts to any great story

But the teacher continued "now as we are only five minutes away from the school beam, lets see which one of us can describe in detail the various attempts at foolish aliens at ending human domination? a show of hands perhaps?"

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A Very Furry Future

Think of weres, (though technically incorrect in human dominant earth of now because they don't change back.) as animal assumptions reversed.

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The Beastfolk

Relations: birdfolk, in general, get along very well with humans, another species with great variation and a love of art and music, and those who live in urban, human-dominated areas find passable niches as quickly as possible.

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Of hive minds and mutation

humans dominant everything, they do not coexist, they are a threat. grow or be dominated. but there are humans here with us. not any more, we're all brothers and sisters now. don't judge what came before.

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Wild Rose Country - Chapter 19

She couldn't hold his stare and she yielded to the human's dominant posture. she wagged the tip of her tail and held her ears pinned back, hoping to appease in some way this friend that she seemed to have disappointed.

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Warmaster Jack: JACK

My time in human-dominated lands had affected me more than i'd thought, or maybe it was just baron. baron was dead, though, and i was ... not. i took a breath, and went further into the rooms.

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Plaisir - Short - Fire of the Gods

It was a boringly human-dominated lot at the moment and a fairly generic cast of local, common pokemon types of the sort who came to spend their civilised pokemon money on civilised pokemon pleasure.

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