The Art of Chance

They were a point of personal pride, a library of topics covering every corner of agriculture, earth sciences, automotive, motorsport, fiction and non-fiction imaginable.

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Sky (01/15/2018) When I first saw you I was so delighted, But now my love is unrequited, I looked up to you with gentle grin, Your arms are scarred, covered with sin, But I didn't care, your presence calmed, The pain within, you became my...

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Zootopia Park 3/??

"you are entitled to your opinion, mister howard, but we have done our own--non-fictional research and think that these creatures, properly confined, would hold no danger to zootopian civilians."

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Lions, Tigers and Bears, oh MY!, part 22

"do you have any non fiction books by sergious eleutherios?" i knew i was mangling his last name. as good as my greek was, there were nuances of it i'd never get. "how do you spell his last name?" i spelled it for her, and she typed it in her computer.

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MLTTA ***** Chapter 1: Gib.

It took two weeks of searching but i finally found a temporary job at the state library of tasmania (they needed help separating the junior non-fiction from the general non-fiction to a new section of the library, it was good pay for a temp position too!).

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Island of Handlo - Series 1: Chapter 1: Beginnings

Although he could read ten books at the same time he never read more than one, he always loved the story line in fiction and the wonders of a non-fictional book. in the very corner of his room was a dresser, stood proudly next to the window.

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The Black Shepherd - Chapter 5

He killed his phone and realized that he had ended up in the historical and non-fiction section. "a book, huh?"

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Wild West Terror

Timberville was an average Wild West town in the unexplored plains of Texas and lived to its name and was a timber producing town and had a couple sawmills throughout the edges of town. Overall, Timberville was a quiet town with little problems of...

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Predilection: CH 3: Parley

Even though i don't usually read non-fiction." "for your information i am reading some very intriguing historical texts celestia gave me. who knows, you might even write an autobiography some day." "riiiight, and who's ever going to read that?"

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MDTV Episode 1: Shaina

All non-fictional characters and items mentioned in this story are copyright their rightful owners. "we're live in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." the dark room suddenly bursts alive with the flashing of spotlights.


Newfound Purposes: Prologue

All non-fictional characters and items mentioned in this story are copyright their rightful owners. prologue- insight "hmph. this sucks," the teenager remarks rather bluntly.

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World of Furs: Good Kitty?

Anything that is similar to anything else either fiction or non-fiction is pure coincidence._**

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