Tyler the Dragon, Chapter 6: Getting serious?

The big dragon is a rare sand dragon. the only change for sand dragonling's is when a fire dragon and earth dragon breed. even then it's a really small chance. this dragon has a light brown body and a darker belly.

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Desperation and Beyond

Rio; the dragon he'd met during the desert mission, where he'd killed the sand-dragon, firolf. once he'd fixed rio's image in his mind, he flexed his left gauntlet, gripping the shadows tight.

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The Nexus Island Resort - Day Seven

What he saw caused him to gasp, standing there was not the head of a sand dragon like he thought, but instead looked more like a big cat, a leopard if he wasn't mistaken.

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On Wings of Shadow - Chapter 2 - A day at the palace

"it means that all dragon kingdoms will send their ambassadors; shadow dragons, coast dragons, emerald dragons, fire dragons and sand dragons. the mammal kings are also invited by the way." "you mean the canines are coming too?

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Keeping Secrets

Samiake had told no-one about the sand dragon he had killed a year ago. 'how...how did you know...?' he stammered. yampii gave a nasty, barking laugh, a trickle of blood oozing from his mouth. 'oh, i know all about you,' he hissed. 'everything.

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