Aishee's Birthday-Party

Looking at the consorts, achidias and k'teshi seemed to have tired themselves out, same as the mermen.

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Pleasing the King

I am not doing anything to try taking your throne and seizing power, i am happy with being the consort prince. you don't need to be afraid."

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Love of the Dragon Ch. 11

the consorts bowed and then hurried towards the narrow passage that led out of the mountain. "the entryway to the roost was made to remind all visitors and those departing that we must temper ourselves or weaken ourselves to be accepted in either world."

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The gryph couldn't have known that bane was all right in the care of the consorts, so why was she smiling?

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Princess Luna - Chapter 2

My words served to snap them out of their shock, but rather than following my command the princesses frowned at me before celestia said, "whilst you may be the consort of my sister, you have no place to interrupt the proceedings of..."

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Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 11

the consort of osiris himself. now you're exaggerating." in response, isis spread her wings, filling the room. "ooooookay," the rat girl started. "that convinces me. i'm going to take a look at anubis now. what exactly is it about?"

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She didn't know what the consort was doing in there but it would definitely get him in trouble. she would see to that. the evening meal was a strained affair.

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Syngeneia Kathairein part 18

Get to the "consorting" "hmm, yes. i think we need to. i demand it of you, you got me hot and bothered! koriza pushes on your chest to get you down. you let her and nsfw femdom stuff happens. next day, at the dinner table... abysmalia seems quite happy.

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The Queer Couple: The Wish

the consort cupped her hands around raghib's member, the slick, ebony flesh gliding through her palms as it slid up and out of his sheath.

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"the last time i felt any sort of relaxation was months ago, when i was with the consort." rana noticed the baby-face asari looked shocked when shepard said that. the marine continued. "in my line of work, relaxation time is few and far between.

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The Jade Empire: Ch3

"well, those of us that are consorts to the emperor, and the direct servants of the consorts are forbidden from bending over for any male, save for those of higher stations than ours.

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Cybra's Efficiency

#26 of tales of the beastmaker apart from the consorts and silas, the faun concubine, there is one more creature who can come and go in the seraglio as it pleases...

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