The crowd watched as the white coupe lowered the barely recognizable yellow sedan to the ground and set down behind it.
Abduction, Adventure, Automated Assistant, Baycat, Bear, Bear Cuddles, Confinement, Dark, Distracted Driving, Hostile Act, Hover Vehicles, Humans, Images Of Life, Intercept, Kissing, Knight Patrol, Leader Rising, Long, Male/Female, Med-kit, Memory Loss, Mini series, Mob, Orgasm, Overseer, Prototypes, Sedan, Story Series, Violated, attack, crowd, danger, darkness, escape, imprisonment, monsters, negotiation, observations, pursuit, return, sphere, study, unanswered questions, vomiting
"this cute blue coupe?"
mara picked up a pad from a nearby bench and walked next to the vehicle pressing a button on the pad as she did.
"no, this blue coupe."
Adventure Series, Alex Winter 2.0, Bear, Bison, Bull, Coyote, Death, Discovery, Dragon, Epic Adventure, Goat, Horror, Humans, Kangaroo, Massage, No-Yiff, Nudity, Plot Development, Raccoon, Ram, Rat, Test Drive, Tiger, Very Dark, Very Long, Wolf, caracal, exam, prototype, terror
So i was on cleaning detail while my she beast loaded the blue coupe with as many parts she thought mara could use to fix the silver prototype.
Bear, Cat, Cheetah, Chinchillas, Comical, Dog, Donkey, Everything Has Changed, Fennec, Humans, Lab, Lioness, Orc, Plot Development, Rabbits, Ram, Rhino, Sharks, Shock, The Ram's Tale, Totally Utterly Screwed, cleaning, danger, monsters, prototype, triad
Corbin said jumping back into the passenger seat of the blue coupe. "i am detecting three life signs."
"tough call, we don't know who is in there.
Avian, Bribe, Capture, Centaur, Devastation, Disaster, Everything Has Changed, Forest, Humans, Husky, Kidnapping, Lioness, Long, Mongoose, Road Warriors, Shack, Sidequest, Totally Utterly Screwed, attack, prototype, sabotage, zonkey
Le loup garda le silence, et gagna en réponse un autre coup.
"réponds moi, saleté !"
"oui... monsieur" réussit il a dire, détestant être forcé de le faire... mais n'ayant pas le choix s'il
voulait éviter les coups.
"maintenant écoute.
Abuse, Anal, Bad Language, Dragon, Humiliation, Lion, M/M, Master/Slave, Rape, Slavery, Story Series, Violence (Not In Yiff), Wolf
I said as the blue coupe shook violently from another laser blast. "what are we going to do?" i asked the knight nervously.
Adventure Series, Ambush, Armadillo, Bear, Buck, Centaurs, Cheetah, Dalmatian, Deaths, Donkey, Epic Adventure, Fennec, Goat, Horse, Humans, Humor, Jackal, M/F, M/F/F, M/M, M/M/F, Mind Control, Mule, Naga, Ocelot, Oral, Otters, Owl, Panda, Panthers, Penguin, Plot Development, Prototypes, Rabbits, Ram, Rat, Rhino, Satyr, Seal, Sex workers, Steer, Story Series, Very Long, Walrus, asphyxiation, attack, caracal, crisis, dhole, oryx, sex shop, triad
Je me retrouvai seul et hébété dans une gare vide où j'avais raté mon train par un stupide coup de tête ; le prochain n'arriverait que dans une semaine.
classic, french
"if we had the use of one of the probes on the blue or red coupes we could have spotted the strike team."
"how were they detected?" mr. collins asked.
"when they tried to capture the monster trio.
Badger, Bear, Binturongs, Blood Loss, Feeding, Fighting, Gore, Humans, Humorous, Incursion, Lioness, Other, Otter, Plot Development, Possession, Sabertooth tiger, Short, The Cost, Very Dark, Violent, Werewolf vs Werewolf, Wyvern, defeat, harpy, mauling, monsters, prototype, shimmer, spring hare, werewolves
She at first thought it was over, but the hens quickly grabbed her and drug her to the other corner of the coup.
Avian, Bird, Breeding, Chicken, Egg Laying, Eggs, F/F, Feathers, Forcedshifting, Hen, M/F, Masturbation, Mating, Mild NC, Oviposition, Pheromones, Rooster, Transformation, Zoophilia