The Trouble with Coyotes, Part Three

Don't --" she switched the laser on, pointed it at the center of the mosaic, and pulled the trigger. xocoh had her black glasses down; that was miguel's cue to look away.

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BYWAYS - Prologue

A bad seed born into the mosaic of dry trailer parks, abandoned factories, and always-empty parking lots that spread its roots deep and far, cracked foundations, drank secretly from birdbaths and kiddie pools and left them dry in the morning.

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After Dark: a side story, Part Five

She knocked and got the attention to the pair inside, both males, one human and one mosaic, a bull. both greeted rachel warmly before the human spoke up, "need anything?"

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After Dark: a side story, Part Three

The headlines of "local gang rapes mosaic", "blended girl hospitalized after attack", "band members rescue mosaic classmate" and more filled her screen rapidly.

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Chapter 11 In Aramora

At the opposite end of the hall, a long flight of stairs led to an altar, behind which a colorful mosaic of the scowling bull god leered down at them.

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The Tails of Graduation - Part (3/9)

"yeah, she was a full orca mosaic within five minutes." i opened the door to the av room. crystal played with the hem of her blouse as she said, "they say it feels really good and she looked so satisfied when she was--" "nope!"

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After Dark - Preview of Chapter 3 - New Day Tomorrow.

And all the mosaics were too. but he... he's different. they all are, here. at least, that's what it feels like. it's so different... louis said he'd take me on a tour of the campus in the morning... mmm... getting sleepy.

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Dragonheart Part 9

It is said that this mosaic was already before the construction of the court at this place and it was built in honor of his time at this place.

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After Dark: Interlude - Chapter 1: Especially at 30,000 feet.

Fucking mosaic, he thought, as he tossed the used one in the trash, grabbing the wipes and thoroughly cleaning himself. pink fur and a weak bladder.

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Tail Virus Taur Milking

Now that he was a draconic-hybridized wolftaur mosaic, moving around was a challenge and he had to use his massive dragon tail to help push.

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Ancient Influence (Story Commission For Garuganto)

Someone, long since destroyed, was offering the wolf a platter of gold, but the rest of the mosaic was too far gone to decipher.

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