How the Fuck did i Get Here Ch 1: Chicken?

Vince laughed and put the bong between his legs with the margarita base of the stem-less 2.5' triple disc perc under his butt and the mouth piece right in front of my face. "how about if i hold it like this? now will you pack a bowl?"

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Good things come to those who wait

"whan that aprill with his shoures soote the droghte of march hath perced to the roote, and bathed every veyne in swich licour of which vertu engendred is the flour, whan zephirus eek with his sweete breeth inspired hath in every holt and heeth the tendre

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Succubus, satyr, slave, sex, sadism

The following was such a loud, painful, percing scream it could have hurt the succubus's ears, for that moment, it was all she did, she couldn't even beg for mercy, and couldn't even keep up with her breath, instead, she just kept screaming as she cried like

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A trainer's story [17]

Jake shivered when he met dragonite's grey eyes, gleaming in the darkness as the pokemon gave him a percing look, before nodding quietly. "alright, let's go!" ryan said. jake amost didn't realize charizard was standing next to him.

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Commission: Clash of Powers

The smiling gaze slowly turned towards the blonde, looking over at her and drawing a soft smirk across her lips while the newly received cup was lifted to those already perced lips as if she was kissing the coffee out of it.

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The Prized Student

He helped the boy to sit up and turned him around so his freskly fucked naked ass was perced on the edge of the desk, cum leaking from his tailhole. hearing the gurgling rumble, derek blinked. "are you hungry?" he asked. "i sure am!"

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"Off the Beaten Path": NSFW (Male Anthro Lion TF)

David narrowed his eyes as he thought back to the specific courses he took in college on the cultures and common symbols of many native americans tribes in the area (a history that fascinated the young hiker from a young age) such as the nez perce

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the new guardian's part eight

Threaten revealing her anger, she then charged the white dragon who did the same colliding they started to claw, bite, and headbutt each other but no one landed a blow due to their supurb dodging skills until the white dragon bit umbra in the center of the neck percing

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 66

Gardevoir can see a hundred perc-eaaah!!!" she shout as the pokemon suddenly rushed past, the professor stumbling aside as she sprint towards chris. "ha ha!! i was wondering how long you'd leave me hang... w... woah... woah now... woah now!! stop!!!

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Walls: Exodus 5 - A Lesson of Pain

Corvyn's ears twitched, and he stared back at me, "first of all, it's not 'slowing down time', it's an acceleration of how you **perce**** ive** time. second, i already told you we'd do it tonight." _there we go...

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MapleStory: Sweet Love - Part 2 FINAL

." ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 year, 3 months, 2 weeks have passed "okay, we need to go and pick up athena perce's supplies and deliver them, then we have to pick up that order and take

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TALES FROM APARTMENT 232 – Part 21, “Back in Black”

He wore a sleeveless leather jacket, and a fishnet top, sporting his new nipple and navel percings (i think mine are better thank you.).

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