A Dino's Crisis 7 - James, Wake Up

First one and then the other, slashing hard enough to rob most of the vision as bloody pustules replaced its hollowed eye sockets.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 106

One of them in particular, peeking through a gash in its buckskin pants, had turned into a festering, pustule riddled sore, weeping puss and blood.

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A Beautiful Death

His thick, pustule-covered tongue, that same rancid muscle that he'd used to lick his lips with fiendish desire when she'd first been brought before him, stuck out of his wide mouth and began to flop around in the air, wormlike, flinging little droplets and

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Fucking Dragons!

It's large misshapen head toppling to the ground a moment later, a long tongue covered in pustules flopping with a wet slap to the stone floor.

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Abyssus Abbey 2 Chapter 6: Demesne

The souls of the damned, suffering every imaginable torture: hacked up, flayed, burning, pustulent with disease, blistered.

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"damn right i am, you festering pustule! let me go! i quit!" lubber sighed, rubbing the bridge of his muzzle. "i was afraid you'd say that. if i let you go, there goes all my profit form you, past and future.

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Star Fox Odium - Chapter 4

A pustule in free-fall - a planet-sized boil. "and this.. is zoness after the war," katt whispered - skye stiffened opposite her, golden eyes blinking in surprise.

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Forgotten Worlds 3 - A Great Offence

At first they could not see it, despite the sounds of an oozing large pustule forming from in front of them. this became true even moreso when a thick greenish-grey puddle began to shlurp and spew itself into a larger form.

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Solarian - Soulfire - Chapter 1

His face erupted with blood filled pustules and blisters, before they burst in a shower of blood and he fell dead to his knees. tarn saw anderson had not moved from where he had shouted the beginning, his path blocked by three more charging men.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 40

The back was mostly scale, yet there were many specks of fire that cracked with blazing sparks, erupting like little, tormented pustules.

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Species Recombination ch. 1

_humiliation_ pricked hot across marcus' chest, even shuddering and feverish realizing that he was _disappointed_ that skorge wasn't gonna fuck him with some kind of oozing, pustulent monster cock.

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