Syngeneia Kathairein part 35

The stone, slavic styled palace building still gives you and disarria the creeps... you were nearly trapped here by the maniac named kirpichnikov. you can't do anything but wonder what koriza has gotten from kirpichnikov...

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lord of the night

"thank you madam." he said in a fakey slavic accent and she giggled. "i see why your nickname is the count." he grinned.

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Lykos-Apocalypse Ch.1

A large slavic looking man raised his extremely bushy eyebrow at her, "what we've always done, love. adapt. survive. continue his legacy. the man that melaeneus, son of lykaon was. the wolf he was shan't die with this family."

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Coincidence: How It All Started

"be happy, my son," he remembered his mother saying in her thick slavic accent, "i vill always be proud of you, my handsome white kit." his brow furrowed as her words echoed in his thoughts, body moving down the sidewalk with a measured pace.

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Twist The Blade (M/M)

"david, i am still holding your device," tomasz said, a hint of play in the slavic accent. david tried to walk around his apartment, but found it difficult unless he went around in counter-clockwise circles.

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Hero Academy 3

," joshua made a mental note that he even liked the tiger's voice, his slight slavic accent giving it a pleasant rumble.

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Drusilla | Part 1 [Comm]

Her thick, borderline slavic accent appeared to contain notes of satisfaction in it for she had come to a conclusion. unbeknownst to the still dazed sheep, he had just been chosen to be the vampire's new chosen familiar.

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Chapter 1: Going to the Dogs

Male voice, clear brp pronunciation, slightly accented, possibly slavic, middle-aged. very little smile in that voice. "my name is nikolai sobieslaw." jotting notes, i tried a phonetic spelling of_so-be-slahv,_before he obligingly spelled it out for me.

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A game of cards...

He gave a pleasant little growl, and began to speak in a strong russian/slavic accent. "well then, blinds out." each member of the table took one of the chips from their own indvidual piles, and placed it in the middle.

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No Shame

"or passed out," the wolf replied, carrying a slight to moderate slavic accent. "if you're really worried, you can lock the door." panthus flicked his tongue against his teeth. there was no lock, he remembered.

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Runaway: Chapter 8: Deep Space

Said the jovial mostly orca with a hint of shark male in a deep baritone in a slavic or russian accent that - if he tried - could likely get any woman or man to swoon.

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Well that's a new one

"no comrade," came the refreshing slightly muffled slavic voice from my stomach. "just imagine me outside your stomach, and i'll be transported magically out." i grinned as he said it. "so until then, you are my prisoner. correct?"

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