Going Under, Chapter 4 - Truth Be Told

I told baxter, soothingly. "i am pleased. and pleasing me makes you feel good. repeat if you understand." "pleasing you makes me feel good..." baxter repeated, making me grin.

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A Story Told From Heaven: Part 1

I told everything to the director beforehand so if something happens to me, they'll know where to search first." "what!? are you out of your mind?! what did you do that for? there will always be after you now..." "i see... is that what they told you?

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Well, I told my dad!... sort of.

We where ice fishing, it was really warm out so I took my hat off (it's one of those with the ear flaps that has fur on the inside) I said "This hat is awesome... It's warm, comfy, and looks nice... with the fur and all... I love furry stuff!"He only...


Maranatha - Chapter VI, as told by Q. I. Malloy

. ~ * * * chapter vi - as told by q. i. malloy i walk. from the second i step out of nezzy's shop and lock the door behind me with her spare key, i walk.

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Maranatha - Chapter V, as told by Q. I. Malloy

Thank god anezka told me about this, or i'd be stuck. remember, i don't have anything with me except my clothes, my phone and the contents of my balls.

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Maranatha - Chapter IV, as told by Q. I. Malloy

. ~ * * * chapter iv - as told by q. i. malloy every problem has multiple solutions. the easy way, for instance. the right way, which is usually harder.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 8.3b, A Dozen 'Tails' Told

Tranquil waters: the lead crown ch 8.3, a dozen tails told it took awhile for nicole to join the rest of the travelers at the front of their caravan once the wagons had come to a halt.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 8.1b, A Dozen 'Tails' Told

Tranquil waters: the lead crown ch 8.1, a dozen tails told when the caravan slowed long enough for biological needs earlier in the day alarice, (or nicole, rather) expressed her interest in traveling through the night so they could get to newport quickly

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The Lead Crown: Ch 8.2b, A Dozen 'Tails' Told

Tranquil waters: the lead crown ch 8.2, a dozen tails told dr brownell had never been a heavy sleeper and that meant getting any real amount of rest on the carriage ride from vallara to newport was next to impossible.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 8.5b, A Dozen 'Tails' Told

Tranquil waters: the lead crown ch 8.5, a dozen tails told while the first part of the trip beneath the church has been accompanied by muted discussions of philosophy and debate the talking was done.

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