Sands of the West Chapter 2: Redfang

, as shadow ball didn't home in on its targets like luke's aura spheres did.

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DA in... Pokemon Bond of Brotherhood : Part V: Power isn't everything

Luke launched orb after orb of aura sphere's at manectric, colliding with the thunderbolts that he sent out. manectric charged his power "yena! use luxray as a shield!" mightyena smirked "best plan ever luke."

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Start for a Trainer ch 1

I stared at the aura sphere launch at the srtanger but it missed cause the person jumped out of the tree i saw it fall and yeild.

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Division 42, Ch. 2: Fight

Soon, dj came behind one and struck him with an aura sphere, spilling orange blood across the floor. this enraged the hunter that was attacked and made to strike the enemy down, crushing him.

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ch 4 an assassin's mistake

Max spoke, "wait, that's an aura sphere! i've heard that rukario is the only pokémon specie that can use it!" ash spoke, "it looks strong. torkoal, brace yourself with iron defense!" the torkoal withdrew into his shell.

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Chapter Ten: Lessons

An incredibly small aura sphere, no larger than a small marble, appeared just above the surface of galen's palm. "this is a highly focused aura sphere. this is how we will test the shields you create as your training progresses.

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Armageddon: Chapter 8 - "Divide"

Light blue energy formed around his right paw, he then spun around and fired the aura sphere directly at mia. mia quickly rolled away from the aura sphere, her fur slightly singed from the intense heat of the beam of energy.

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Jayden, Chapter 12

The orb flew at her, and just before it connected with her, she shot a paw, a small aura-sphere in it, and caught it. rain's eyes went wide as he watched aura pirouette, his aura-sphere and her's merging, and he shouted when it came flying back at him.

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Destiny for Two Pt 7

I discharged the aura staff and used an aura sphere to cancel it out creating an explosion and a cloud of smoke around luna and myself.

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Picking up the pieces

She said with a glare and a slight growl at me as her aura sphere continued to glow and buzz with power. "no. i won't let you take him!"

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