Ridgedale Wrestlers

co-written by the illustrious samael: steam billowed out of the locker room showers, being pulled up into the vents in the ceiling. the bell had rung and school was over but after school programs were just starting in.

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ANLNB Drowning in the Current

#10 of anlnb remastered co-written and edited by averis a new life in a new body: protia had i pushed them too far? no, this wasn't over yet. there was still one more card to play, one that would change the entire hand.

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Foot In Your Mouth

Foot in your mouth co-written by leo\_todrius commissioned by neobesitz thump, thump, thump, thump.

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Return of the Lycans 1

:3 return of the lycans is edited, or rather more co-written by aacid aacid he is an awesome, extremely talented writer that everyone should read. i thank him immensely for his work. i think this is going to turn out to be awesome!

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Siri the Infiltrator

co-written by rikika ahadi and mufasa are in deep trouble; they've gotten on the bad side of a king that commands a way bigger pride than theirs, but listening close they learn he has a "quirk" they can exploit.

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Videl vs. Pan! A Bored Burp-Off!

This story was co-written with jokermask18/jwappel in my interactive. since writing.com basically requires people to need a paid membership in order to do anything on their website, it's practically impossible for many people to write and read there.

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Love At First Fur

Edited & co written by averis love at first fur sitting in the chair she had found in an office dumpster rilley looked over at her friend catching up on homework and sighed, "why is it that we are always stuck with nothing to do at the end of summer?"

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Palm of my Hand

Palm of my hand co-written by sen tooth by tooth the tumblers of the lock were jarred from their slumber, the sound barely audible inside the loft apartment before the lock clicked and the door opened.

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Brotherhood of Metal

Brotherhood of metal co-written by leo\_todrius and denmay the sound of a friday night outside of the college campus was unmistakable and impossible to ignore. music blasted from every restaurant and bar, every bungalow and apartment complex.

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Black Haven Bay

(this is a fairly old rp between renian and i) black haven bay co-written by leo\_todrius and renian the creaking and groaning of the wooden docks was a constant in black haven, audible well inland from the port and throughout the hidden town.

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Wrong Kind of Marks

This story was co-written by numer987 and i. kinda, all i did was the plot outline. but that still counts for something.

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