Forging Thoth's Daughter: Notes

Sehkmet's worship, like ptah was centered in memphis (men-nefer), she (from the predynastic period to the new kingdom) was the goddess of war and motherhood, namely the protector aspect, and when egypt was invaded she would be the god praised, one of sekhmet

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Athalus and the God of domination

A body that belonged to only a descended of a god of war, muscular and godly.

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Enter the Cat-Prolouge

Does anyone remember the name of the sumerian goddess of war?" the familiar sounds of the city bombarded jades senses as she left the entrance to the college. three years of schooling and all she could show for it was a lack of friends and motivation.

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Legecia Chat

Moving on, there's the temple of k'stark, the new goddess of war. no idea what happened to eletok, but i know k'stark is rather... deceiving. she's a naga-style anthro serpent of a species i've never seen.

The Mayapan Codex.

Wuqub' kame - the god of war, violence, and sacrifice. kik're' - the god of the hunt. xik' - god of famine, starvation and drought.


First step (Lagoon and Imber) #1

I am a goddess of war!" she said with a mighty voice, pushing her golden chest out and unfolding her huge wings. birds flew from the threes and small animals from their hiding places. the moon shone between her horns. "if i may ask.

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Chapter 2: A Short Trip

Many, call the roman god of war, mars. many, call the amazing chocolate bar of the 21stcentury as, mars. many, now call a red planet that see, as mars (like). but what is mars actually? is it actually the god worshiped by romans (true fact)?

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The Shadow Under The Moon, Preface

Thing came to ahead when the unbound, the god of war, was slain and the nightwolf devoured the forgotten, god of madness and hatred.

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Aaru - Chapter 2 (The Truth Revealed)

I could now see why she was known as the deity of war! she was relentless, each stroke of her weapon carried with it deadly accuracy and force, the pure intent of slaying her opponent.

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Refinding King Lion (Second Eternity - Eps 14)

He's a god, like you are... a god of war. an egyptian god of war." jago winked. ares arched an eye! "dominic is really anhur? no wonder he entices me to attack him so often.

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The Draconian Viking (Part 1.2)

One night, he decided to pray to his tribes' patron god tyr, the viking god of war, justice and order.

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The Draconian Viking (Part 1.2)

One night, he decided to pray to his tribes' patron god tyr, the viking god of war, justice and order.
