Part I-Initiation

_ i thought, _maybe i'm having an out-of-body experience._ after reviewing the possibilities, i assumed i was having a dream. then, the desk gave a shudder, and began sinking into the earth.

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Naval Romp

Those who weren't gored by the giant wolf dick were going through an out of body experience.

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Gypsy Life

of body experience" for me as my entire body was now pitch black except for the patch on my left i slashed madly altoro picked up a large sword and slashed at my back....escaping i noticed a large gaping hole in the back of my cloak exposing my

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Red, White, and Blue Epilogue

He seemed to have an out of body experience as he felt he had no more control of his self, everything was just, green.

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School of Mystic Arts

I slowly walk over to it careful of the other people in the bank to my amazement and what i'd think an out of body experience would feel like the wolfman moves exactly how i do as i make my way closer to the mirror, i soon begin to touch my face and look down



Now it was alexi's turn to have an almost out-of-body experience as he watched selena have her way with nova, shamelessly using a cyan copy of his own body to face fuck her.

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A Night Gone South

She was glad he was gone and that she was safe but felt as if she were going through an out-of-body experience. anna and the host asked the remaining people to leave and shut the front door afterward, then went back to the living room.

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Chapter Fifteen -- The Candyman Can

Instead, she focused on her latest out-of-body experience. she accepted that her latent psychic tendency had probably been stimulated into action by years of contact with miyatsu.

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Not your average cock ring, pt1

The little knobs and lights on both rings were glowing and buzzing and vibrating profusely, the whole thing was like an out of body experience to nate. never in his wildest dreams.....

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Surprise Me

It was like an out of body experience. james realized that this was exactly what he wanted. he was into this shit. he loved it deeply. his tongue flicked out and tasted the leather on one of long's gloves.

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The Pyro, part 2

I felt the familiar feeling one gets when having an out-of-body experience as talon's mind came forward and pushed mine back. i felt my skin crawl as it was quickly covered in scales that sprouted from my pores.

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BB Mythology: (Re)grow a Pair

At first, the half-neutered god could do nothing but moan into his lover's back, clutching at her curves as he floated through a brief out-of-body experience...but eventually, the acute burst of agony in his groin began to fade into a duller, more manageable

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