Lose a friend, gain a lover.

It was noon of one the hottest saturday i ever had the grace to feel and enjoy in a sunny beach, after a bit of scuba diving and a quick chat with david i found myself again in that very same terrace, the place looked the same as always, clear space occupied

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Chemistry Experiment

He knew about those, they were suits that were compacted into a pill and with the help of some advanced science could be swallowed to form a comprehensive scuba diving suit.

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Paladin of The Dark Sun, Chapter 3: 7 Years Later

To the right of the door was a small bookcase, filled with books on aquatic animals, guides on reefs located on all sorts of different planets, and instructions on swimming and scuba diving. just to the left of the bookcase was a small nightstand.

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The Dolphin and the Pearl Diver

She did, however, believe the story she'd overheard at a beach-side tavern, a conversation between a group of four wolves resting after a tired day of recreational scuba-diving on the reefs.

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Uber (Commission for Giza)

But she would do anything to get a chance to swim, surf, scuba dive and everything. just let me get there in one piece, please? she prayed to some higher being.

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The Foreman

I feel like i've been told i'm going scuba diving only to be stuffed into a shark cage and hauled over the side. that shark is a full quarter ton of sweaty, stinking gay stallion. i glance up at torque's face. he looks more amused than annoyed. "what?"

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The Forgotten God (1/2)

The rain dragon stated as he pushed the scuba diving gear they had brought along to the side of the bed. "sounds like a pretty easy payday, especially if we wing it to the canyon. it's going to be a bit of a climb down from there then."

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Kangaroo Transformation

Maybe driven out to the coast, done a little scuba diving?" naomi said, half-kidding. of course, she had wanted to go diving today, instead of hiking out into the desert to see a rock we couldn't even climb on.

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In The Name Of Velocirapture - Chapter 2

You remember that, when we went scuba diving and i fucked you through your wetsuit?" thyge barely remembered anything on command by that point, much less a fuck that ended up with him passed out from the pleasure alone.

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The Gift of Kai Part 2 of 3

Kai had never had any experiences with tentacled beasts, save the one time he was attacked by an octopus while scuba diving in the 'ocean scar' - a large reef system that sliced its way up the western coast and wrapped its way around the south.

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Dad Camp Day 10

Allen had apologized many times over. He felt so bad for breaking the tie on the doorknob rule. It took Elliot a while to calm him down. The lion should have known better. No one expected Elliot to actually do anything with how standoffish he was....

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A New Dive

"but that's pretty ridiculous the owner probably just likes scuba diving." victor added in with a chuckle. "theme or not if they have good drinks and atmosphere i'm all about it. let's get going then, eh?"

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