One and the Same - Chapter 2: Sleeping While Awake

He is an old alchemist and researcher i met about thirty-five years ago when i was sight-seeing in colgrad, a lonely and cold little province of athelon.

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chapter eleven

Being so in love and unable to keep their hands off one another, the amorous couple hatch a plan to sneak away from the group when the opportunity arises to do their own "sight-seeing".

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Wings of the Warrior: 12

He headed down through the "traditional" asian countries and did his sight seeing, trying to see as much as he could down through to vietnam and the koreas.

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Nightly Adventures

It was a beautiful sight, seeing his white, syrupy cum cling to the pink insides of her pussylips. then he turned his back to the still weak maid and opened the bedroom door again, facing his wife with the ease of a frequent adulterer.

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Man's Best Friend

He groaned at the sight, seeing her tail wagging away behind her, smelling the arousal in the air... she wanted more, and so did he.

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Big Brother's Deep Affection 1: our first night

"sorry about that, sis... you can swallow it, its not bad.". the girl whimpered, wincing as she tried, swallowing most of it, but some still dribbled out of her mouth. the wolf smiled. he liked that sight. seeing his own cum in his sister's mouth. he leaned

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The Omega Promoted ch.7

Turin concentrated and closed his eyes fighting to keep his mind clear and his hard cock out of sight. "see, you did it turin. look. both of our paws are in the fire. i knew i could trust you,' she said nuzzling him slowly.

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Full Circle

Eli was suddenly entranced by the sight, seeing the floral dress slowly slip down the soft patched scales, watching as it slipped suddenly to her feet.

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The Cabin

Continuing my sight seeing of the strange house i noticed a set of cedar stairs to my left, which i guessed led to a bedroom. but the one thing that didn't fit in with it's surrounding's was a metal door to the left of the fire place.

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Shau'i - Chapter 9 – Hope

Tom's first thought was of a charter plane doing a sight-seeing round for tourists, but that plane was coming straight towards them. his pondering was cut short, as in that instant three guys jumped out of the plane and deployed their parachutes.

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Applejack and the Soldier.

But he stopped his sight seeing and turned back to applejack. "where do you want these apples?" he asked. "oh we have a shed we can store em in until tomorrow." she answered back. "okay." he answered back and returned to helping her.

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The Cat's Stroll 22

It would be better if i were to take senior to sight see somewhere he might find interesting." hearing this question, kyu cao considered it seriously.

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