Chapter I: Like Clockwork

The inn's atrium was lavished and simply gilded with more moving cogs and gears than he could possible take in. he gawked at the water fountains that constantly channelled water into a large pool through quietly ticking cogs.

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Fem-boy text based design

Include link to the color) pants: tight goth style cargo shorts with two chains one on each hip, the shorts are black with the chains as silver footwear: steam punk style boots that come up halfway to the knee, buckles are shiny brass shaped like stars and cog


Macro March

Macro march sero grunted as he made the final turns with his wrench on the final cog of his machine. he was still in the prototype stages of his experiment, but the payoff would be huge if he succeeded.

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World of Osmis: Nations

The undisputed open festival center of the realm, and the sea of many mysteries and more treasures city state: tropical state of alahulal aurumica:- a nation of advanced science of steam and cogs, as well as the most refined, if not a bit chaotic in the

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Dungeons & Adders CH12

, captain fatty cried as the ferret watched the events unfolding on the cog's deck through his spyglass. "they're turning her ballistae on us!" twang! "ah shite!"

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Journal Entry #1

That is what it feels like to be in his presence, as if finally, someone is looking at more than a cog in the wider scheme. and yet, as i have said, i have been in this world a long time. longer than this long-lost son...


The Lead Crown: Ch 4d, En Passant (Pt 3)

Evelyn once again interrupted sir umberto's reply, "cog of fate?' the swordsman nodded, "the ring-- the symbol of the mechanists. their order believes that they are the directors of reality, and that they choose the course for the world."

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Mojave Redemption - Part 1

Behind him he heard shrieks of pain made faint through the several feet of steel that made up the cog-shaped door that sealed the vault from the dead world outside.

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24- The Battle for Warfang

Master of tinkering, and lover of cogs and blue glowy things!" rift looked at the last table. he reluctantly began placing on his own armor, orange with silver trim.

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Chapter 4 - Puzzles

The whole mechanism just unwound, springs lost tension, cogs stopped moving and the spinning, shifting, whirling, continuously moving parts all juddered to a halt.

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