City of Light: Chapter 14

Regardless, she wasn't going to waste another moment with her feathery company, be subjected to those alluring eyes, knowing it would lead to another feathery embrace should she stay. with a groan of reluctance, she pressed the green rune.

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A 'Legendary' Hero - Anthro Sirfetch'd TF

"and there we go, my proud, feathery... oh." shade started off proudly before failing to stifle a giggle. "oh dear, i might have underestimated the look i was going for!"

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Fall '08 Snuff Project: A New Trophy

A quiet moan escaping the adult as the two boys rub their young, feathery hands over his body, rubbing his wings, teasing his belly, and of course, fondling his butt and arousal with lewd enjoyment.

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Rudy's' Exchange

Rudy screams anew as his tailhole feels as if it's being ripped in half as vlad mrrrs feeling the soft fur rub up against his feathery hips, having hilted the little toy in one swift motion.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.09: Revelations - Ep03

The plump owl wondered as he looked over to the kirin, scarping the feathery strip over his beak. "yes. this is ms.

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Final Wish

And your desire was..." he pauses, as if looking for something, "to be a tiny, feathery raptor at the feet of a big, bad demon-narwhal such as me. and now, allow me to show you just how that can happen."

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Raving Renewal

The fox chirped up nervously as he stepped forward, wings folded in along his body as the bull snorted again, pulling a phone from his side as he spent a few tense minutes shifting his still harsh glare from the feathery canine to the phone.

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A Missing Link

Spencer held his breath for a bit too long, so he took a moment to regain his breath and strength, and, in that moment, the monstrous male wrapped his feathery arms around the cute, little lizard, and pulled him in.

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Change of Class - Zeydaan Zacian Anthro TF

She snapped her feathery digits, a large, regal sword appearing in front of the witch, embedded in a pedestal. "oooh, alright."

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A New Breed(ing) - Feral Chocobo TF

"trust me, it'll be an unforgettable experience, and you'll gain a feathery friend from it to boot!" "well... if it'll get me a chocobo... then ok."

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Playing with your Pet (Clean)

Her red feathery body transitioned into yellow scales just below her knees. she was, very shamelessly, completely naked. her perky breasts hung in the air, her nips out in the open. her feathery cooch was available for everyone to see.

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Inside a Starry Cave

The winding tunnel that he usually followed down here was the only way in or out unless you happen to be a small bird... which, despite his feathery wings, he wasn't.

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