A Krystal Encounter Ch.2: Trial By Fire

After loading my save file i saw that i was in the second room of the elite four: the poison user: koga. after enduring his hollow and arrogant claims of being "the master of shadows", the battle began.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Fuchsia City

It was formerly run by koga but now janine. she specialised in poison types meaning out of my current pokemon the types that had the advantage would be ground and psychic.

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Escape into Love

"you shall be kanna, tsume, maha, sierra, and koga." kina cooed, "fine names love." the new parents nuzzled and kissed as the new babies happily snuggled. a brand new family, and oh so very happy.

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New Dawn: A Prismatic Life to Save

And by the way my name is zeke thomson, miss asumi, and this is my friend jessan koga. and if you don't mind could you sign his cd and we'll got give our statements and be on our way."

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Every Rose has its' Thorns

But they gave me a nick name of my own, lobo koga." the tiny dragon started to laugh "oh i get it. that is cleaver of them." "so we are rocky and koga. that's our pet names for one another. it's cute, but we don't mind.

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Chapter 26

Chapter 26 since his encounter with koga venus took it upon herself to train chase. the training was rigorous and chase got more than his fair share of injuries.

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New Dawn: Another Day Another Trouble

"jessan koga-san?" that's where i knew this guy from. jessan had told me that the kid he was writing to had long white hair, and since that was such an uncommon thing it had to mean this was the human that he had started to fall for.

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The Protector pt2

"the koga style of ninjutsu can be used as an offensive weapon or a defensive tool depending on your situation. if used correctly, it can save your life or the lives of others."

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Poke U Side Chapter: Roommates

I mean, koga, my p.e coach, had us paired up with other people. i managed to pair up with a cool feraligatr named max ---" "a feraligatr you say?" heart interrupted.

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Shadow-Moon Clan

koga returned final's body to his people and surrendered to the shadow-moons, swearing an everlasting peace between their clans.

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realidad virtual 3

Ya la ubicaron y un contingente de soldados ya salió en su busca" "y todos ellos terminarán igual que krate" dijo un león de melena negra que entraba en la sala "no has hecho mas que enviar a tus soldados a la muerte" "y supongo que tu tienes un plan koga

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Virtual Reality 3

Sorcerers have already located it and a brigade of soldiers has already left to get it" "and they will end up just like krate" said a black manned lion as he entered the hall "all you've done is sent your soldiers to die" "and i suppose you have a plan koga

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