Xochipilli Ch. 2

Always scared to death he'd smell like sex on the job, or the be all and end all in mortification- he missed a spot of cum on his fur and the widening eyes of a stunned coworker froze silently on him mid-conversation.

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Chapter 18- Educational Enrichment (Pt. 2)

She had a look of undeniable mortification on her face. i actually felt a little bad, giving her such a scare like that.

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Overwhelming Wednesday Afternoon

About it before--but if he'd had to guess, he would have guessed horror and weeping,running away into the wilderness to hide as a monster from society, or maybe an actual inability to think beyond his overactive dick, too horny to be self-aware of his own mortification

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Space Between Us - Chapter 3

Jamey wanted very badly to turn tail and disappear back into his room, but the mortification he felt at the idea of being so rude won out, so he stayed where he was, frozen in place.

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Hardcore Pet Play

Brendon's canine features plainly display his complete mortification. carson can't help but laugh internally at his dolled up boyfriend. brendon's fluff causes the dress to look hilariously stuffed. "oh my god. that is adorable.

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Own Your Very Own Myth!

As he feigned mortification, even as they could both see charn's argument was swaying jerome. knowing that the tiger could, and doubtlessly would torture him until he agreed. and finding the idea of pumping that nice clear hole.

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The Forest

As the child tearfully confessed the entire chain of events to her, burying his face in her arm in mortification and trying his best not to sob, she tried to recall from memory whether there was anyone on the premises at this moment who would be up to

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The Lion's Share 2 : Mira

He asked softly as her eyes dropped in mortification. in any other situation she would have been hissing, mira was a strong independent female in everything she did except this.

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Lying Figure In Mirror

My mortification gave way in mere minutes and a new feeling washed over me. a kind of pride in my work came upon me. hahahaha, poor fool. he should have known better than to cross me. the damn thing decided even to assault me!

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One Hot Night (Transformation YCH auction teaser) m/f/f

Dylan's cheeks burned but under his mortification recognition surged through him. 'haylee? kayo?' the second was a pure guess. the cheetahs voice was unmistakably haylee's, so his guess made sense. 'clever boy. were you watching us, clever boy?'

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SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 14

To his absolute mortification, feral discovered the first thing on the agenda was him enduring a female exam by the royal physician.

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Staying over

I tried not to hurt her feelings though, keeping it mostly light, apologising whenever i thought she was offended and hugging her fluffy little body to me, usually resulting in her complete mortification as she squirmed to free herself from my crushing show

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