14. "To the Punished Go the Spoils"

"to the punished go the spoils"** "get in there, prisoner!" the words had barely reached garrosh hellscream's ears before a wide, fat foot kicked the lower part of his back and shoved him into the small cell.

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King of the Mountain – Spoils of war

# king of the mountain - spoils of war the war against the firescales dragged along for the rest of the year without any big change.

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Under the Skin: Spoiled Potions

"like your asshole after a spoiled lard enema, with a hint of cinnamon." "that's... oddly specific." "but i know what your asshole, spoiled lard, and cinnamon taste like, and that tasted like all three."

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Spoils of War ( Dragon Tribe 3 )

"the game is called spoils of war. our fight was the war, you two were the victors, therefore, i am the spoils." garnoth pulled his head back. the young black dragon curled his neck into an s. "what the hell does that mean? i don't get it.

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Spoiled Femboy (unfinished stories #3)

He carefully took the tiara and placed it on her head and turned her to the mirror "the gold isn't real, but the stone is, hope you don't mind" she gave him a tight hug "i don't mind dad" she said before joking a little "i might be spoiled,

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Don't make me tell..

She was there again, standing in his door way. As she walked in the girl closed the door, locking it behind her. No one saw her entering his office and her father was away on business again. She had him right where she wanted him. She smiled smugly as...

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The Fall of the Ardenta

The rule of the Ardenta continued for centuries, the line of their lineage and power unbroken despite the death of the Lord who forged them. He had been unbowed and a figure to be feared even until his latter years, his weakened frame hidden inside...

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It's Super Effective - Spare the Rod, Spoil the Mother

It's super effective - spare the rod, spoil the mother synopsis: pokemon au - an evil ash sadistically punishes and trains his mother, becoming a different kind of master. ----- "i..i can't!"

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Felicia's Fancy 01 To the Victor goes the Spoils

"to the victor goes the spoils." a phrase that many are familiar with, and yet i believe to be wrong.

Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 34

"spare the rod... spoil the child..." over and over again, like a mantra. his voice was slurred, but that only made his words more terrifying. "spare the rod... spoil the child..."

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