Part I-Initiation

As more and more of my body became immersed in the liquid, the more intense the constant orgasm became. the tentacles released me as i became fully absorbed by the liquid, one more tentacle came forward and covered my mouth so that i could breath.

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Sticky Situation

It was like being in a state of constant climax, and it seemed to never end. finally, after nearly fifteen minutes of copulation, the two shafts released each other, their flared sides retracting.

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Penchant: CH 3*: Rainbows

With my speed and power i kept her just on the edge in a constant orgasmic state. rainbow squealed beneath me as i railed her, her hooves struggling to find purchase.

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A Stowaway Jinx

All he could was allow himself to sink into a deep, satisfying slumber with the lapping of the sea at the hull and the screams of the stowaway's near constant orgasms lulling him to dreamland. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* by morning,the captain's cabin

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Birthing Dragons: Odus: Part 5

There was nothing wrong with that, of course, but i did laugh a little through my near-constant orgasms. this little one was going to be something, alright. "don't cry, my little one. daddy's here," i cooed, reaching down to pet the baby.

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A Mere Caress

An hour locked in constant orgasm, unable to escape and unable to stop. at the start, he had begged her to let him do it. he had sworn that he wouldn't let her down, and that he would love every minute of it.

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Xenobiologist - Pod Spider

He continued to gently tug and pull on his dick, riding the constant orgasm of lumps that trailed through his prostate. for over half an hour, manny gasped, moaned, and twitched as he emptied his balls into the pack.

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About six minutes of constant orgasming from lily's part, mar had thankfully decided to give her a break to take some air into her exhausted lungs. "ohhh... ohhh damn... mar... that was so good!"

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Vorn's Beginning

Vorn goes through tiemeth's mind to see what he knows and how it can be useful while the poor dragon suffers constant orgasm denial.

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Cold Stone Cream Awesome

And the thought of her becoming bigger only managed to speed the process as she rode her constant orgasm, moans escaping her mouth despite the hose, her breasts slowly absorbing its own milk's magical nutrients back into it as she grew, and grew... \*

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Regrowth - by Jeeves

His knot and her tightly clutching depths bound them together, and now that they were sealed in constant climax; unable to staunch the flood of their shared, hyper-fertile fluids, he was no longer driven by the instinctive urge to thrust and stimulate.

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