Leuphe's Backstory

I closed my eyes and grabbed my head, crushing the presence of the other bird to dust. i felt remnants of it, memories and emotions scattered about... but i was myself again. i couldn't stick around and wait for the village to find out.

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Microfiction Collection: Paw Day 2023

Having your head crushed might be merciful; having your legs crushed and torso impaled would be a far more gruesome end. still, what _can_ you do except to run for your life?

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Hexes and Hoes

### 9 - escape dustin awoke to head-crushing pain. his mouth was bone-dry and it felt like someone had shoved a marble into his sinus. his throat felt scratchy and his eyes were crusted as he tried to open them.

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Oryon's Fun

With the head crushed like this, the bounty would be halved. at least the sister's head would make up for it.

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Legendary Love

Both girls moaned loudly as the mountain began to groan, the walls cracking and crumbling apart as their legs and heads crushed past the rocky surface and the ceiling began to fall apart.

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Special Training Session (Commission for Drewbermeister/Dash007)

He fell backwards, smashing through the roof above him, then fell backwards, demolishing the far wall of the locker room and landing in the parking lot, his head crushing three cars.

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Story - Urban Wolfication

Once there was no head crushing boobs to pin her, jason rolled onto hands and knees to make a sprint for the door. in hindsight, presenting her naked ring-tailed ass to sorsha was probably the worst possible decision of that night.

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A Cuckold's Forbidden Pleasure

She squeezed down, gasping as her head crushed awkwardly into sasha's stomach, ropes' knee keeping her leg stretched out off the sofa and to the side as he twisted her over the sofa, the cougar facing the back while his wife demonstrated just how flexible

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Indi The Professional

As far as ways to go went, getting his head crushed in a pair of plump tits seemed fitting for him. instead, he was permitted to descend down her body once she released that frightful grip on him.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 7

Their only options were to have their head crushed, or to be gutted like a giant fish. blackheart snorted and wiped his nose with his arm. "then get back to work!

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Superhero 13

As the meaty behemoth he'd just burned holes in turned and brought its ponderous, corpse-colored flesh swinging around in a head-crushing swipe, the wolf's amber eyes spied hundreds, thousands, millions more just like it, standing silent guard for as

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Commission: Tournament on Monster Island Part 19

When that tail came back in again sapphire was brought back down to earth once more, her eyes turning to focus on the girl against her once again, that hand releasing her nose finally in order to wrap around the back of levianna's head, crushing her face more

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