Humbling Chap 2

Merlin moaned as if he'd just been kicked in the nuts, and doug couldn't help noticing a bulge running down the horses inner thigh. "dude have you got a hard on right now?"

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The Sleepover: A Friendly Invitation

"you're not gonna make me take a kick in the nuts first, are you?" adam giggled, lifting his foot to bump his toes against alex's hands. "do you want me too?" "n-no!" alex whined, flattening his ears. "that's not what i meant."

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The Game v2.0 - Round 10

_"do you want to get kicked in the nuts?"_ countered the stranger. "no..." _"then no kicking people in the balls. oh and while we're on the subject of genitals, please no rape or excessive use of semen.

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Minuet of Forest

The air wasn't so much as knocked out of his lungs as it was kicked in the nuts out of his lungs as he saw the black insect looking down from above him. "you're first" shadramon said as he brought up his jagged gauntlet up.

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Transforming Tommy

It felt like i was being kicked in the nuts." billy continued as if nothing had happened. "if you remember what level three felt like, i am sure there will be no need for you to experience the higher settings.

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Gettin' kicked in the nuts?" the orc grumbled. "you've got to be the stupidest, dumbest fucking mutt of all the fucking alliance," the orc said while he walked. reilly was just recovering enough to make sense of his dire situation.

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Wrestling a Legend...

The famous roan draft horse let out a shocked grunt, that kind of sounded like he had just been kicked in the nuts. "well damn..." dunlup snorted leaving the girls behind, he strolled over to the bed where hoggie was laying.

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Dawn's Change

"i owe you a kick in the nuts, you asshole." "and i owe you a lot more, bitch. that goes for the goat behind you, too." julie let herself change into her satyress shape. "reveal yourself, rogue!" "gladly."

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Horse Cooties

The dull ache was sort of like the aftershock of getting kicked in the nuts, but faded in and out.

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The Sleeping Bag Game

The last time james saw adam's sister melissa, the tall vixen got angry and leveled poor adam with a kick in the nuts. the memory made james cringe and laugh. james himself was a young husky.

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Layers - Chapter 5

The skin contracts within seconds and i almost feel like i've been kicked in the nuts. but, no wonder. i watch in semi-horror as one side of my sack dimples in and there's this sensation like... like... a bit like sucking a grape hard through a straw.

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