The Petting Zoo Draft

The last round is pretty sad since it's a mountain goat, a sheep, a raccoon, a civet, a possum and an iguana. swanson has read the civet's employee file. multiple bullying and behaviour problems make her a poor choice.

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The Tales of Sorath (part ten)

If it took out that huge mountain goat then what do you think it'll do to you?"_ "we'll be out in a minute." zach said as he walked in the cave and looked around. he saw something in the corner and moved over to it.

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Perks of Relocation

He hadn't seen much in the way of prey in the immediate area other than livestock, but maybe he'd gotten lucky and some deer or mountain goat had wandered up the slope below the cave.

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FR05: Where do you think you're going, sewer rat?

No mounts unless the brotherhood has started using mountain goats for that purpose." chase slowly brought two fingers up to tap his cheek, signaling 'cease overwatch' to his squire. "i see... and your reward?"

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Mac. Part 1.

Mike was a born athlete, a young buck with the speed of a gazelle, and the nimbleness of a mountain goat. he could run rings around almost anyone on the field, and usually did, just for the fun of it.

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A Prelude to Perversion: Chapter 5

She'd want to cover up, but the mountain goat wouldn't dare let her hide such beauty from her audience. of course, it's just an act. she wouldn't actually she embarrassed. it's just like she said, "why should i be? it's only my body."

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Elemental Angel: Part 1 & 2

The young mountain goat may have looked like he was in shape, but this was mostly an effect of his good taste in clothing and the way he carried himself.

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White Out

He picked me up and i looked at him wide eyed, before his a large grin slid across his face, "oh come on, i'm just kidding, i eat mountain goats."

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Dirt Digging: Chapter 1-Assembling The Expedition

And then started doing your mountain goat impression." maggie stared blankly for a moment before having her own realization. she hadn't told her young student because she thought it might be a teachable moment for her pupil.

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03 - Pleasure Seeker

I hopped from ledge to ledge, dropped twenty meters without trouble, and picked my way along like a playful mountain goat! before the sun had crested the wide clear yellow sky i could spy the strange growths.

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The Psychology of a Crush

The older mountain goat simply looked at me with a pitiful gaze, shaking his head idly. eventually though, he did agree not to drop me for nonattendance and handed me a printed course syllabus. _who even uses physical copies anymore?

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