Finding My Husband in Another World Season 2: Capter 2: The Bard

"long ago, during the first species war the humans and near humans formed a treaty to work together in order to defeat demon kind. it was a long and tragic war with many heroes born and lost but in the end the demons were vanquished.

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An Inhuman Experience

I was nearly human again, the bizarre hooks and suckers retracting into my face as my skull formed, and the perfectly round shape made way for the normal contours of my face.

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Companions Chapter 19: Honeymoon

I had to admit that nearly-human put his money where his mouth was when he said we were an attractive couple, using us as window dressing to attract clientele.

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Ass Backwoods (2x4 storyverse)

Mass vanished from the ass until he was the bipedal equine creature with near human face and torso. then backwoods grabbed his black magi robe, and cast his inner eye about the garage.

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Sketch Ch. 07 - Lust [Story / MF / Werewolves]

The impact knotted the two werewolves together and kelly's scream was nearly human as a second, even more powerful orgasm burned through her.

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'TAURSDAY: A Metamor Keep Story

He morphed his face near-human, smiled and then bowed. "show off," clay muttered happily as grey rolled the pawn to edge of the table and then doubled his size to place the pawn on the lip of the tablet the finished pawns were kept.

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Hello, My Name is Jux.. Yiff Me.

His soft green eyes going crossed as he chased his mouse around the screen, his near 'human style' nose bridge pressing hard against the glass as he groans, leaning against the screen in a dramatic 'i give up.'

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Torch Gets Passed On

Being donned in the beginner female trainer's clothes; she looked nearly human save the blue and black muzzle and fluffy tail coming out from the modified jeans.

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Night of the Weredonk, New Employee Policys

Leo had finished his reversion to near humanity as he watched the new breed born, but he was feeling his bestial nature beginning to take over again, he quickly walked over to the microphone that was still sitting on his desk, and pressed the red button.

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The Long Weekend - Saturday, Afternoon

Jay breathed heavily; his muscles - an odd assortment of nearly equine, nearly human and variations in between - started to ache once the rush of adrenalin had stopped. there was no denying he was being transformed into a horse now.

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Ceres' stories - pt 1

It was a cool autumn evening when she ventured into the edge of her home woods, in an area very near human habitat. she'd heard the cries of an animal suffering and flew over to the commotion to find a cat yeowling in pain.

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Nala's Venture: A Game of Questions

"well they're the humans we live near." "humans?!" cried nala, jumping to her feet despite the unplesant way her round stomach rocked beneath her. "there are humans near here?" suddenly nala was very afraid.

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