I'm Here For You

Danny growled, his voice seeping with barely repressed sexual aggression as he let his pelvis dance just a little harder into the back of his mate's rump.

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Pairs of Pumpkins Chapter One: Family Ties

From her puritanical upbringing in a culture that guilted, shamed and repressed sexuality, every deviant act of sodomy was a deliberate affront to the priests who had tried to make this radiant, emancipated, sexual being into something she was definitely not

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No More Humans - Chapter 6

Gunnar doesn't want to be forced out of his comfort zone and telling colin about his repressed sexuality would only make it _so_ much worse. i didn't want gunnar as an enemy. he was genuinely a nice guy... just... angry at himself.

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Spygate: Chief's Resolve

Let's show them how slutty we look like" gabu said, clearly the land shark's repressed sexual urges was beginning to be too much for vern to even join in. "you... o-owe me for this gabu!" vern said, trying to hold back.

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2057-The death of Marshall (unedited)

She may have some repressed sexual issues but she was still alive damnit! they were sitting in her house, her parents away on a dinner date. supposedly they were to be studying but that was a farce.

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Paladins Make Fantastic Toys

Knew you'd be an eager little slut, all that repressed sexuality just boiling up from the surface...

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Meili & Thalia: Pool Party

Once there, private discussions could begin, turning steadily to meili's clearly-repressed sexuality and experiencing herself as a woman rather than a girl. chuckling and drinking again, thalia was sure she had figured the filly out.

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Layers: Distance and Destiny

Twenty-two years of barely repressed sexual tension exploded out of tarou and his tongue shot out of his muzzle and into kevin's.

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Reaper: Hades - Chapter 5

He _was_ sure that his repressed sexual needs mixed with his desire for his father's pride mutated into something... strange but he wasn't sure what to do with that either.

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Master's Pride

It wasn't easy, implanting a suggestion in the master's subconscious, to have him connect with nikki like that and then overlook the signs, but yasmin's focused rage at being snubbed; his repressed sexual desire and the intimacy of the earlier encounter had

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