Eternal Autumn

During her feast, that thread of lust and justice, of shame had never been extinguished in his unfulfilled desire for his own death. every horror she committed was an absolution of his guilt. she would have to wait for a revenge he did not intend.

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Unnatural Selection - Ch 2: Ten Little Indians

The acknowledgement that he even had unfulfilled desires made him all the harder, and his balls ached for release.

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101: Pounding Perdita

Greta whimpered at the pleasure, pain, and desperate, unfulfilled desire to feel her vulva bulging with dog cock. rolly gasped, and said, "told you! there's no way!" he was on all fours, tail wagging in nervous excitement.

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Daryn - A Single Word

"let me show you, and then you can talk to me about unfulfilled desires." his fingers played with her tender bud as daryn's urgency grew.

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Following the Heart, Part 5

Thankfully, he broke away without holding it too long, as memories and still-unfulfilled desires rushed heat throughout her frame.

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Chapter 3: A Touch of Sand and Heat

I had already had sex with one of my pokemon, and with the way my fingers started gravitating towards the soft white fur of my fire-type companion, that unfulfilled desire that haunted me today was kicking back up again.

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Chapter Three: A Touch of Sand and Heat

I had already had sex with one of my pokemon, and with the way my fingers started gravitating towards the soft white fur of my fire-type companion, that unfulfilled desire that haunted me today was kicking back up again.

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Chapter 8 - A Father Exposed

I would never forgive myself if something happened but it seemed more than cruel to get my dear luca all worked up and leave her squirming with an unfulfilled desire. maybe there was something else i could do for her though.

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Welcome to the Neighborhood

Their years spent together fond memories that painted a masterpiece he treasured despite need he still felt to heed his unfulfilled desires. but in choosing that option walter knew he'd have to do something drastic concerning thomas.

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Far From Elsewyr (Kiwa Gift)

It was clumsy and it was hungry, inarticulate in the way that expresses a long-held yet unfulfilled desire suddenly thrust into reach. he abruptly pulled back from it, a sentiment of distinct horror expressed in his appearance.

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Her gaze remained unchanged, troubled by unfulfilled desire. "what do we have to lose?" she asked, blue skin creeping across her face.

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