Rant's beginning

I was just so damn comfortable around him that i had totally blanked out of the fact that i was indeed a demon at the moment, unless i had been slipped some seriously amazing hallucinogens the night before.

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Brian's Tale - Chapter 5: Mind Games

If you ever do anything so stupid again, you won't need some 'hallucinogenic' berry to wind up in the hospital, got it?" brian gulped and nodded. "good." she said as she continued out.        

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Legend High-Chapter 1

Tanner then proceeded to go to the living room, which despite the new renovations still recollected its 'possession' of 'divorce starters' and 'hallucinogen capsules'.

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Ellis's Berries Part I

Am i not tall enough...oh, but i--" ellis's legs push together, her hands drifting up to place themselves upon her cheeks, her gaze closing partially, "am i having a hallucinogenic response to the vitamins in the fruit?"

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Alphys' Modern Life (Chapter 4)

"hmm, i wonder what kind of hallucinogenic effect eating these will have on me?" he thought to himself, picking out several of them from their waxy dwelling and shoveling them into his mouth. something like twenty seconds later...

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An Inner Impulse Rent the Veil: Movement One

The campsite itself was highly secluded, and excellently private - this time of year, early summer, it was still bursting with hallucinogenic viridescence, a green so rich and pure that it could scarcely to be believed it was earthly at all, but a piece, however

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The Golden Hymn and the New-found Flesh [First Two Chapters]

To be brief, the yellow signal is a frequency that causes intense hallucinations and an almost instantaneous loss of sense of self, akin to the concept of 'ego death' experienced under intense hallucinogens.

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Skunk Weed

You don't see real crazy shit like that on weed, only on like, acid and that real hallucinogenic stuff." "then why does it look so real?" calvin reached over and yanked the tail.

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Shaking the Tree, part 1

"after we though about this for a bit, she reminded me that nero was also the old street name for a powerful hallucinogenic drug.

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A Place to Belong - Chapter 21

"lytium flowers are used by some as a powerful hallucinogen." i heard michael behind me say.

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"The Real Deal" - Chapter 7

Doses were designed to last five to ten minutes at a time, and tony felt various ups, downs, hallucinogens, empathogens, all with impressive amounts of pleasure, every time someone inserted

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