Jello, and two who like it

Do not read if you are underage, a right wing conservative, or in any way shape or form attempting to pin the author with a lawsuit. you have been warned. you will not be warned again.

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Ch 4 - Rich Furr, Poor Furr

Operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation/communication systems, submarine vessels, nuclear weapons, sharp pointed objects, or any other hazardous activity in which failure could lead to death, injury, property damage, environmental damage or lawsuit

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Trapped: A Mans Nightmare and Blessing

Death, possible gore, more cusses words then probably thought of (some even in different languages), possession (as in demon possession), and stuff that if you are not at legal age to watch "bad" movies please do not read i don't want to get sued and have lawsuits

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Meat and Magic

If carcer goes for a third extension i can pull a magical abuse lawsuit. i'm so sorry." the asian woman's eyes were glinting softly in the night. "please just grit your teeth and bear it, i'm doing everything i can." ral stared at the gravel floor.

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Interview: Delylah Beni #1

**remember that lawsuit in virginia where a teacher confiscated a 30-year old mint condition collector's edition of shonen jump that was valued at 150 usd$ and 300 usd$ in japan then put it a through a paper shredder.

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Nomad (2023)

The lawsuit didn't really bother him, as that was beyond his control. he thought long and hard about what he needed closure for.

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2593, Chapter 31

I'll protect him from any lawsuit. i had him think there was one because i wanted a full accounting of what happened.

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Interview with a Lone Traveller

I could tell that it was super bothering him, he was scrubbing harder at his eyes now, which i had started to pick up was probably a nervous tick, but i guess we did end up airing it, so... anyway, swiftly moving on before we get a harassment lawsuit.

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Chapter 3-Cheese it, The Cops!

In her lawyer-like manner she thought of how many lawsuits she could give these people. but the deep thud of the male's feet behind her quickly drew her out of her thoughts. her eyes widened as he moved toward her, her reflexes quickly kicking in.

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Sneak Peek - Cerberus: Chapter 3

The coffee splattered over his clothes, the hellhound immune to the mc-lawsuit special. "sorry there sweet cheeks," cerberus smirked. "i can't do that. you got me on a fucking short leash."

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The Guild's Dog: Raichu

Raichu was about to stamp the finished lawsuit when lucario had broken into the room. "i'm... \*pant\*... i'm here... i'm here... don't sue the guild... i'm going to pay..." lucario said while catching his breath.

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The Rabbit

Tell me, what can be worse than five divorces and being stewed...sweed...swoded...swood, a lawsuit?'' man was he ever drunk, he wasn't pronouncing things like fifth and sued, everything was going well. ''rape'' ''what?''

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