Getting Some Tail

Tongue swirled and flickered, strong throat muscles rippled beneath the fur as salivary glands began to overstimulate. closing his eyes, the whitetail continued his attentive work, tail flagging from side to side in time with each gentle head bob.

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Home for the Holidays

His ass wildly ruptured and squeezed around his father's shaft, causing the already overstimulated member to become engorged with desire.

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Corsi INC 05

Claws, sharp teeth, and overstimulation can get really intense." the rabbit shivered at the thought of those last few words. "overstimulation?"

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The Snake Pool (Part 2)

It was still way too much to the already overstimulated canine. it was all, it was all so... "mhhhhghhh!" only after a couple of thrusts, ryker's cock erupted within the snake's coils.

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Opening the Relationship (2/3) [Draconicon]

That was the best thing in the world about owning another body, putting them through this sort of mystery hell of stimulation and overstimulation.

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Beach Broken

If someone had told Damian what exactly would happen when he set off on the stupid mission his friends had forced him into, he probably would've decided not to go, even against his friends' wishes. Not that he would have needed much convincing in the...

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The Brutes Bitch: Part 2

The satisfied german shepard maneuvered them into a position where they could rest on their side while they waited for his knot to shrink enough to come out, and for his overstimulated mate to come out of her haze of pleasure.

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A stuck little morsel~

His hand stroked himself a few more times, almost painful pleasure overtaking him before he stopped, exhausted from that overstimulated session. he'd done this before and he'd do it again, and he'd never get used to how good it felt.

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All For You #4: (Male, Bottom)

The slight twitches to that inner area sends an overstimulation like a current towards your tool as it nearly hums with energy before releasing what feels like several torrents of preseed.

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The Breeder's Den

The overstimulated male would have jumped out of his skin, if it weren't for the restraints, but as it was he just let out a muffled cry of surprise, jerking instinctively in his bonds.

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So That's Where Milk Comes From!

Topo didn't stop pumping though, gin grunting and pulling at the rope from the overstimulation. "nice job topo!

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