a tale of dragons part 15

Brian, feeling pure adrenaline rush through his body, grabbed the burning beam and lifted it out of the way with raw strength.

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Shau'i - Chapter 3 – Lost T-Shirt

But after a few glorious moments her initial adrenaline rush ebbed away and it came back to her in full measure. pain! every single particle in her body screamed as if on fire, and every little movement came at the cost of more torment.

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Roundabout take 2

** **at the moment, it seemed more annoying than adrenaline rushing. although it smelled sweet, there was definitely a bitter air on his breath. although that might have just as easily been the smoke machines, sweat and hormones flying around them.

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Do You Want To Find Out How I Got My Nickname: "Orion the Protector?"

When the wave passed, the frantic adrenaline rush was more than enough to send the young man over the remaining rocks with the deftness of a parkour gymnast. both huskies managed to get back onto dry land before more waves swept them off the pier.

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Running at full speed transforming fully into her hybrid self the adrenaline rush caused within her. her thoughts warped inside her mind just as they built quickly they came brushing down when she was tackled from behind.

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Paws of Fire: Unwritten Story - Chapter 13

What if he just wanted her for sex, and used the story to get an easy adrenaline rush? daniel wouldn't prod her for questions now. she was grieving...not over the death of nick...but at his betrayal.

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Recoil: Chapter 3, Clean

The adrenaline rush was taking its toll, that, and my unsafely low blood sugar levels didn't help. i got out of the car, paws behind my head, ready to take a can of mace to my sensitive nose and eyes. the officers approached, hands on their holsters.

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Loving Amorous Two

The female was on the same adrenaline rush he was earlier. you don't know how much you want to be with someone sexually until you snap. all self-restraint just goes out the window and instincts kick in.

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Change of Perspective Page 37

This could allow organic chemical adrenaline rush to run through her system. preventing illogical actions." another set respond, "we could wait for a response. perhaps mila des raptour is waiting for us to make a move.

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Forest and rivers and lizards... oh my Pt1

Salbar said even less than usual on the way back to his hut, the sudden adrenaline rush having completely healed his aged system.

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Just One Couldn't Hurt

The adrenaline rush combined with his chemically modified hormones causes his to quickly get hard, the fabric of his jeans ripping as his thickening shaft lengthened. maggie stood and stared in awe at the sight, until she could take no more.

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