Amura Wartorn

You wait, and we can still save amura, then you can go about your petty revenge later. if you kill me, then you freeze to death, and amura dies by siana's hand." validus brought his left hand to the side of his head.

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The Beastmaker's War - AIR

While he would never show it in public, the high pinion was incensed by this move, and while he was not generally given to acts of petty revenge, those who had quietly supported the treaty back then were now afraid to speak up and thus identify themselves

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Size Matters

"but really, i only wanted petty revenge. i made a big mess and i should have known he'd throw me out." "did he force feed you again after that?" asked moss, already knowing the answer.

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The Ghost of Toronto: Part 1

I'd be disgracing her memory if i went after them for petty revenge instead of following her example." his brow furrowed, knuckles whitening beneath his fur as he clenched his hands together. "no...

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Pink Personal Hell and Altering Fate

After all, as powerful of a force magic was, you couldn't just use it to get petty revenge on little children. even if they really deserved to be taught a lesson about how much of a jerk they were.

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Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt Chapter 11 - Friendship

Yet to get someone to give me a single straight statement on the matter and i have tried," she frowned at neon, "it's somewhat as if bitter, envious pokemon and those already on the way out were attempting some petty revenge on the way against an admittedly

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TransSentient (old file)

"one brilliant student," she began, stating the obvious but only so she knew she said it aloud, "one obsessive fetishist, two petty revengers of which one is trying to 'take over the world' and doing well at it, and one vigilante crime-lord."

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La Curandera - Part II - The Storm

"you'll trade your daughter for petty revenge? i suppose i should have expected that, from you..." ice trickled down odella's spine. "she's in bayside, and she's fine. you said so yourself. it was the truth!"

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Face Yourself

With his petty revenge thus out of the way, he leaned into the powerful ass-fucking without further reservations, idly wondering if aelia was far enough gone that he'd be able to convince her to clean his cock when he was done.

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