Ocean Depths part 10

Her crisp golden brown cookie fur was as scruffy as burke's had been. golden eyes glared through that mess of fur. "thanks, becky." lucas felt better knowing the place was in competent hands for exchange.

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Dog-on Good Christmas

burke down when he suggested i do it." paul paused at miranda's reference to one of the partners, "mr. burke asked you to handle the network... um... thing?" "upgrade."

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The Giant Bacteria: The Novelization, Part 3

As the turbokat flew over the power substation, t-bone glanced down to see burke and murray using a bulldozer to clean up the smouldering remains of the last bacteria monster by the powerlines.

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[Patreon] Just Another Day at the Office

burke continued unabated. "unfortunately, we are going into this one blind, everyone. on top of that, we received a warning from the others that we have not yet been able to fully decrypt.

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Leon- Beggining a journey

Yes,sir, professor van burke!" xv answered. the raichu that he crashed against was professor van burke: another brilliant mind, and responsible for the creation of quite a few of the pokémon he worked with. "i ran into iii a while ago.

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The Doctors of Doom, Part Four

"besides, burke and murray are waiting for us at the park." t-bone grinned. "yeah, where i'm gonna whip your tail." "fat chance!" they left the room. in dr.

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Even Villains Give Happy Endings (Chapter 1)

"that was a pretty valid way to get district mayor burkes to fix that sewage overflow, i have to admit." the squeaking link of metal cars finally came to a stop with a sickening lurch.

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But as they ran a funeral parlor, bill burke and bill hare, had very little trouble in covering their tracks.

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Faye’s Academy

I did it for professor allis-burke. i must say that she was well impressed." excuse me...what?

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Shifting Plans

burke for this recommendation," he said with a smile at daisy.    "derek blackfoot, this is hank heartken, yet another member of the dark riders you haven't met yet," the moose herm said jerking her head towards the otter.  

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Ricky vs Kisari 4 [Erotic 10-count, falls count anywhere]

"i fink i burk a toof...ur sumfing." the tiger still had his paws cupped over his muzzle when he spoke. he groaned at the throbbing headache from the dive. kisari pushed ricky onto his back, hooking up a leg as his ears drooped.

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The Simple Things. Chapter One.

We didn't have a single one other than burk, an old billy goat that stayed in his shack at the edge of town. poor guy was always harassed by the local kids and not a damn thing was done about it. i'd be pissed off too. "now then mr.

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