Life of a Thief: Interrogation

"still trying to be a charmer and a funny guy huh? will not work here i am afraid. i have you were hereand now you will answer me straightly with no silly business. alright?"

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One-way Mirror

Possessing a wonderful genetic make-up, reliably passing on useful techniques to his descendants, and being something of a charmer to boot, his dance card was always full.

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Slave Hunter, 10

"well he sure is a charmer i'll give him that" both matt and i get our warrant cards from our jacket pockets and hold them up in view of the security camera.

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I Sold My Soul To Play The Blues, Ch. 10

Edison was quite the charmer! he tried to talk about music but i was tired of that, and steered the conversation to electronics instead. no problem doing that. edison loved his work, and was delighted to have an understanding ear to share it with.

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[Commission] Torture worthy of royalty

I'm a charmer" he said with gusto. he lifted his harm, gently caressing myrcella's check with a finger. she tried to move away, but there was nowhere to move. the cold metal sent shivers through her warm body. "oh..."

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The Slumber Party

"oh francois...always the charmer." they laughed softly together under the setting sun and hugged fondly, like old friends.

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Oral Fixation

"ssh, you charmer. anyway, i missed you;" she whined, "i do every day." massaging her shoulder, i replied, "me too, baby. tell ya what: from now on, after i get off work, if you're still at the beach, i'll come visit." ... "aww!

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Lion's Embrace

"charmer," i say as i give him a kiss. he spoons me as we get comfortable in the large bed, the warmth of his inner thighs against my soft rump. my tail involuntarily wiggles against him, which brings a chuckle to his lips.

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A Most Inconceivable Rescue

I tried again: "you charmer, you! trying to get 'er in the scales, eh?" when that failed to make me flush with pride, i stormed off to a corner of my lair, growling at myself with a lashing tail. why did it feel so wrong to do the usual thing?

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[Commission] Dripping Wet

She had had a mate; an umbreon - gorgeous in every way, a real charmer. she explained how one night she'd gone looking for him after he didn't return; worried, until she found him, his cock buried deep in an espeon. sighing, fall shook her head.

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The Vixen that changed my life.

And to be fair, i wasn't the best charmer... i was following the trails of a pair of fighting birds, they wern't hard to hear, they could squawk like a elephant on helium. they suddenly took off in the opposite direction.

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