The Beastiary

They are blind and use echolocation to move around, they do not have wings and it is doubtful that they could fly even if they did. they have claws sharp and hard enough to cut through granite. their intelligence is unknown.

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Mother and Daughter 1 - Claiming the Daughter

." ************************************************************************************************ crystal slowly cracked open the door to her daughter's bedroom, letting out a soft chirp, her echolocation telling her that her daughter was indeed asleep and

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A Helping Hand

His echolocation told him that the boy had stiffened greatly, even that his eyes were wide and very surprised.

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Stralia - Ocean's Depths

Completely blind, they saw through echolocation, like dolphins, allowing those who didn't hear their shrill cries to avoid them, if they could stand completely still long enough for the critters to lose interest, something human children were unable to do.

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Confederacy of the Red Nebula

Nocturnians are famous for being able to navigate well in dark places, due to echolocation, and dislike of bright lights -owed to the planet having longer nights than days, but they are also famous for being masters of engineering, creating some of the most

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A Dragon's Beastmaster Chapter 1, Storms and Spirits

" " i'll bet, being able to fly and use echolocation and seeing in the dark." " yeah, and it's rather fun to party as a bat, and go flying!" ryo went next to emily and looked into his eyes. " is something on your mind, james?" " oh, it's nothing.

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The accidental Night

Dredger spent the time using his silent echolocation to probe at the human, examining him with sound waves and couldn't help but start to get aroused at having the human next to him.

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Solitude in Sinnoh

He knew of their echolocation, but his best bet was to slowly take them down one by one with the moves he knew. his endurance was not his strong suit, and the strength in his wings along with his supply of arrows were both wearing thin.

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Kurt and the Faerie Queen - Another (not Grimm) Furry Tale

He imagined the bat could use echolocation to see, and he thought he heard a very high pitched chirping at the edge of his range of hearing. there was an uncomfortable and stubborn silence between kurt and the bat.

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Wonderful World

"echolocate this!" the heroine shouted, smashing the pipes to bits, proceeding to scream herself as the ultrasound went into dangerous levels even for her own ears.

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A Lesson in Passion

All around, he felt a strange tickling against his skin, almost like those days when he went to the swimming pool and used his echolocation to get around under the water - and to perv on some of the other guys around.

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How Naketa Met Calafin

We also have an ability most other anthros don't know about, and would probably object to our using if they knew; like our ancestors, we have a highly developed sense of echolocation and sonar.

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