Aftermath 1

With callie officially the mayor, the elections for deputy mayor were well underway, though he could really care less about who was running.

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The Tutor: Finale

Granted, some of that came from last night after the election. nate had been a perfect gentleman to her and all through the election, and had been running himself ragged yesterday while trying to get her some last minutes votes.

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Welcome New Citizen! - Introduction to the Cityverse

These councillors are elected every 5 years, through an elaborate and complicated election process. if you wish to know more, head to your local library/information center to learn more!

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Fall of man dawn of a new age chapter 2

We are going to have emergency elections in two weeks to replace your elected members of congress and state senators that passed away. we are going to have the presidential election in the schedule time at the year of 2\*\*\*.

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The Beloved Pet Ch 13

Each of the 654 settled worlds of the empire had 2 representatives elected to decade long terms with each election being held at five year intervals so only one rep per planet was up for election at a time.

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Shadows of Elysium, Mechanics explanations

While the elven king is a hereditary position, the human emperor must be elected by a representative counsel. mountains, islands, forests.

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Calicode: Chapter 16: Finding something new

You said you wanted to change your elective that will be computer lab or shop. what classes did you want to take instead," she asked.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 1.2 Myrh

Zion - light of the new moon chapter 1.2 myrh some bite back _the party has elected with a vote of 3:1 to attack the biteleaf field themselves in an attempt to safe the foragers._ beside me, kell pointed down into the clearing, "do you

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New Wilderness

While agrata had managed to win a popular vote between the voters of earth and mars, more representatives and senators were elected on earth.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 2)

"i don't think i would've won the election if you had loose lips." "please. you're perfect. and that is not a compliment, by the way, i meant it as in like freakishly perfect in an irritating way." "i guess i am, huh?"

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