Tagged for Execution: Silent Hunter (snuff, scat)

The proudly standing alien jerked stiff as two sets of holes oozed black ichor through his now ruined chest. his head jumped up in shock, then quickly slumped as drool and a bit of black blood stained the leather of the hood.

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Hypnovember 2023 Day 28: Defeat

The demon grinned as he had his fellow imps drag the paladin to a pool of ichor and forced him to stare down into it, the paladin trying to pull away as the magic imp cast a spell on the water.

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Though how handing a bucket of posthumous ichor to a wailing black-clad woman-heaving bosoms overtopping her bodice-is closure escapes me. hubert clears his throat. "two-fifty k."

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Party Favors

The end result was worth it: a greater trade of corrupted ichor, all for the indulgences of a rogue daemon. the dealer's ploy was straightforward: he granted varyd a "device" of bizarre, alien stone. or metal? flesh?

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Episode 1: Newcomers

With a deft swipe of a forelimb, the attacker beheaded the soldier, receiving a spray of green ichor in return. the remaining soldiers opened fire on the creature, the rounds missing in their fear and panic.

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Children of a Mad God

Hellash's concern for his own safety was not lost on the monster of bubbling ichor.

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Dragonsong, Chapter One

The razor-sharp mandibles worked frantically and began to drip an unpleasant ichor onto the rocky floor. without a moment of hesitation, the arachnid charged at her.

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Uncontrollable Corruption (7/8)

Slowly he put his fingers up to his nose and felt the liquid that was on them before pulling it back to reveal the ichor on them.

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Rare Earth, Common Ground: Oasis of the Stars - Part III

The ichor covering its sharp arrowhead contaminated the vine's xylem. the lethal poison raced through the host. death came to the pitcher plant within minutes.

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Koth of the Hammer

"yes" she replied. then we cut our wrists and placed the cuts together so that my ichor and her blood mixed and with a flash of light. and she became a half demigod and has eternal youth. she gasps,"it burns through my veins it hurts."
