Winny - A Kaos Army story (Part2)

The velociraptor trilled, tapping his swagger stick into a scaly hand for effect. the wolf officer who was running the gym left. clinker stayed welwyn with a grab of the shoulder; "not you," he murmured.

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Blue's Night Out

**Blue's Night Out** **A Story from Mesozoica** By _Velkaden_ and _Littlefoot010_ Blue woke up for her evening shift at 7:00 PM. She lay in her bed for a minute wondering what she would do tonight. She suddenly caught a whiff of her diaper, which...

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Im Treibsand

Mann, ich hatte noch nie einen nackten velociraptor gesehen. kein wunder, wir werden bereits mit einem vollständigen gefieder geboren. das ändert sich bis ins alter auch nicht. es war faszinierend. beinahe rosa war meine haut, so verletzlich.

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Alien meets Jurrasic

Staggering foreward on her legs the velociraptor dug into the moist ground, her legs slowly growing numb so the creature wrapped around the base of her tail was hardly felt.

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Jurassic Park Geschichte Prolpgue

Nbsp; codename: sailback ernährung: fleischfresser länge: 3 m höhe: 2 m (segel) gewicht: 100-300 kg mittleren perm, 280-265 mya gebiet: usa | | **aaron** velociraptor

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No Choice

Smiling at the velociraptor's horrified expression, the carnotaurus looked down at his new and yet unwilling companion. "and i already have a mission for you. you'll get a real kick out of it..." he smiled darkly.

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A Dino's Crisis 6 - Run Raptor Run

The trucks sped off through the woods, tearing through the vegetation with little care, the ride bumpy and humiliating for the captured velociraptors.

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Lifeless Lack Of Atmosphere: Preview

I let out a soft sigh as I lobbed my soaking wet engineers suit into the dryer. Working as an engineer on Tao Volantis was a tough job, because even after the climate change project, things frosted over a lot. It was still no way near as inhospitible...

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Okron Academy Part 1

The cold winter air nipped at my heels as I walked briskly towards the imposingly tall academy infront of me. It was a large place, but it had to be, one of the few schools of its type in England. The worn but friendly looking sign next to the wooden,...

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Open Season Chapter 21: The Apprentice

He looked like a cross between a fox and a velociraptor. but the pinstriped zoot suit had to go, gwen thought. the band moved on to a medley of 80's hits. "okay,_talk ta me..._."she said in a slightly nasally voice mimicking a new jersey accent.

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[Infosheet] Almegian Zelta Drakes

The legs are long and slender,always digitigrade, and end with three-toed feet that have thick bone claws similar to that of a velociraptor.
